Recognize Hidden Dangers Reduce your risk of injury Slips, Trips, and Falls: Keep your work area free of clutter. Items should not be piled in walkways. Are materials safely stored in their proper location to prevent clutter?
Step on up! Do not stand on chairs: Stepladder use: Especially do not stand on rolling office chairs! Use a stepladder to reach those high places. Stepladder use: Stepladders must be fully opened. Stepladders must be placed on level, firm ground. Never climb higher than the step indicated as the highest safe standing level.
Thousands of office injuries come from employees being struck or caught by an object Shut the File Cabinet! File cabinets with too many extended drawers can easily tip over. Lower open file cabinets pose a tripping hazard. Safe Stacking: Large stacks of materials could cause major injuries if they’re knocked over. Store stacks of materials on lower shelves.