National Maritime Security Advisory Committee Dr. Robyn A. Kapperman, work in CG-FAC-1 (Critical Infrastructure Security Branch). Alternate Designated Federal Officer (ADFO) for the Hazardous Cargo Transportation Security Subcommittee (HCTSS). Updates based on recent meetings with chair of HCTSS and Bullets from Project Assistant. EHC Briefing September 20, 2017
AGENDA General updates. 2017 EHC Commodity Flow Study Brief Comparison: Original v. proposed Additional comments by HCTSS chair: Mr. John temperilli
Chemical Transportation advisory Committee hazardous cargo transportation security subcommittee CTAC Charter was renewed July 17th, 2017. Internal USCG HQ meeting with new CTAC DFO (cdr marc montemerlo) Task statement refocus meeting August 22nd, 2017. Full ctac meeting at USCG HQ October 3rd to 5th, 2017. Their has been other meetings besides the ones noted on the slide/chair to brief on any pertinent items to pass. Unknown if timeline of Task Statement will also be adjusted with the pending changes.
2017 EHC Commodity Flow Study Brief Scope: only the five commodities identified in 2010 cg authorization act (especially hazardous cargoes). Primary characteristics (e.g., load/discharge/amounts/routes) Methodology: Various databases (project assistance to explain in depth at upcoming ctac meeting) Anhydrous ammonia, ammonium nitrate, chlorine, LNG, and LPG.
Original commodity flow study elements Specially funded contract. Covered cdc defined in 33 CFR 160.202* Quantified the transit of CDc through the Marine Transportation System (MTS) in u. s. Did not provide detailed study of transportation of cdc by other means. Did not include smaller packages of cdc, only bulk. Included a general description of the CDC, its uses, hazards, and manufacturing process. Typical cargo configuration in all three modes of transportation. Value of the commodity by import and export annually 2005/06 Transit per waterway or river segment annually. Primary EHC stakeholders, industry, Federal GVT, and state GVT. Percentage of commodity transported via MTS. Major waterway distribution route per EHC and Amounts transported annually. (Acetone Cyanohydrin Ammonia, Butadiene, Butane, Chlorine, LNG, LPG, Propylene Oxide, and Vinyl Chloride)
NEW EHC FLOw model 2017 Covers only ehc mentioned in the cg 2010 authorization act. Transits by waterway or river segment annually per commodity (frequency). Will drill down to the details of when an ehc is transported (seasonal, once a week, etc.) Will detail if and by what means these commodities go intermodal and when they arrive at a facility within the MTS. Typical cargo configuration on the mts. Primary ehc stakeholders, industry, federal gvt. And state. Percentage of commodity transported via mts. Major waterway distribution route per ehc and amount transported annually.
Background resources Waterside security of especially hazardous cargo national study results 2012 report to congress. Strategy for waterside security of especially hazardous cargo September 01, 2015. Waterside security of especially hazardous cargo-resource deficiency reporting (fy 2015) report to congress may 11, 2016. Section 812b of cg reauthorization act 2010. Potus executive order 13650 (improving chemical facility safety and security). Missions > Ports and Waterways > Safety Advisory Committees > CTAC
Questions? Dr. Robyn A. Kapperman USCG HQ, CG-FAC