World War I War and Peace
Partial Timeline of The War From 1914 –1916 fighting resulted in a stalemate. 1914 – Battle of the Marne – Germany hoped to score a quick victory but fighting settled into trench warfare. 1914 – Battle of Tannenberg – Crushing defeat for Russians. 1916 – Battle of Juttland – largest Naval Battle. German attempt to break British blockade. No real winner, Blockade stood.
Changes in Warfare On the Land Machine guns Trench Warfare Poison gas Gas masks Tanks Flamethrowers Sea and Air Faster/ More powerful Battleships Submarines (U-boats) Planes (mainly observation) New weapons meant that there needed to be extensive training for the new recruits. Many of these soldiers were drafted. Women often had to help out in factories at home. Because this war touched the lives of so many people and involved all aspects of the economy, it became known as the first total war.
Partial Timeline of The War 1916 – Battle of Verdun – bloodiest battle of the war, lasted 6 months and over 600,000 killed 1917 – Russian Revolution – Tsar Nicholas II overthrown(March). Communists come to power(November). 1917 – (April) US declares war. 1918 – Treaty of Brest-Litovsk – Russia withdraws from the war and gives large amounts of territory to Germany.
Why did the US get involved? 1914 - President Wilson declared US Neutrality. Late 1914 early 1915 – Germans declare a war zone around England using submarines advising neutral nations to sail at their own risk. US had many ships bringing supplies in that area.
Ships and Telegrams May 17, 1915 – Germans sunk a British passenger liner the Lusitania (Weapons?) 1201 (139 Americans) US protested, Germans agree to not sink passengers without warning and to help all passengers and crew to lifeboats. Lasted Throughout 1915 & 1916. In January of 1917 Germany made the decision to resume unrestricted submarine warfare. Had a plan to keep US out of war. The German Foreign Minister sent a telegram to his ambassador in Mexico saying that Germany would support Mexico taking territory in the South West US if the US entered the war. The Telegram was intercepted by the British and given to the US days after a number of Americans died in another U-Boat attack. April 6, 1917 America declares war Although American immediately provided naval support, troops did not arrive until June
The War Ends - 1918 With the arrival of the fresh US troops, the tide of the war turned. November 11 - Kaiser William II abdicated and the new government of Germany signed an Armistice. (Veteran’s Day) Now the countries began to look toward the peace.
Paris Peace Conference 1919 Opened in January with delegates from allied powers (not Russia) Defeated nations were not invited. Major participants were the Big Four: Georges Clemenceau of France David Lloyd George of Great Britain Vittorio Orlando of Italy Woodrow Wilson of The United States
European Aims France wanted revenge for the war and wanted security against future wars. England also wanted security and reparations for the wars. Italy wanted land – Promised in secret treaties, Orlando argued with Lloyd George and left the conference.
American Aims Wilson came to pair with very different goals. “peace without victory” Fourteen Points 8 specific to regions 6 general Freedom of the seas Self determination of all people Open diplomacy – end of secret treaties End of tariffs and other economic barriers Limitations on weapons Establishment of a League of Nations to settle international disputes peacefully.
Versailles Peace Treaty 1919 After much arguing, a treaty was signed in June Germans at first refused to sign, but allies threatened to renew war. Main provisions: Loss of German Territory in Europe and overseas Poland recreated Creation of a League of Nations US ended up not participating. Henry Cabot Lodge Fear US would be obligated to send troops
Versailles Peace Treaty 1919 Main provisions (Cont.) Restrictions on German army size to 100,000. Forbidden to practice conscription Rhineland demilitarized Navy limited to a few ships Could build no submarines, military aircraft or other instruments of war. Germany must accept guilt for the war (Article 231) Series of other Treaties with the other central powers ended the war.
General Results of WWI Created economic chaos in Europe. Cost estimated at $400 billion. Casualties heavy – approx. 10 mil killed, 31 mil wounded. Heavy civilian losses as well. Map of Europe redrawn Many of the difficult issues at the end of WWI will lead to depression and WWII.