Lung Cancer By: Landon Alexander
What is Lung Cancer Lung cancer is when the cells of the lung grow out of control and start closing up the wind pipe that carries the air to the lung
What causes Lung Cancer Lung cancers number one cause is smoking. 8 out of 10 lung cancer patients have got lung cancer from second or first hand smoking.
The effects of Lung Cancer There are a lot of noticeable effect that can happen to you. Loss of breath when not being active Heavy feeling like some one is sitting on your chest when you breath When you cough blood comes out
Death toll from Lung Cancer 9 out of 10 people that get lung cancer have died It is the second most cancer killing disease. It causes 160,000 deaths a year
What the cigarette companies are doing about it. One of the cigarette companies have actually made a more healthy cigarette that filters more but can still get cancer, but there is one company that made a totally healthy cigarette. It is the water cigarette you fill it up with a little bit of water and it evaporates it so that you still get the feeling of smoking but without all of the nasty chemicals.
What did they know In 1964 the Surgeon General of the U.S. wrote a report about the dangers of cigarette smoking. He said that the nicotine and tar in cigarettes cause lung cancer. In 1965 the Congress of the U.S. passed the Cigarette Labelling and Advertising Act. It said that every cigarette pack must have a warning label on its side stating "Cigarettes may be hazardous to your health."
What are people doing This is so important to most people that schools are getting involved and making interest groups that go as far as making commercials that are protesting smoking.
Why this is important to me This is important to me cause my Grand ma, Grand pa, and dad have all died of cancer, but my dad past away from lung cancer and he didn’t even smoke he got it from second hand smoking.
MLA Category. "Lung Cancer - Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment and Life With Lung Cancer." Lung Cancer - Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment and Life With Lung Cancer. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Apr. 2013. <>. •1800's, the, and many people had begun using small amounts of tobacco. Some chewed it. Others smoked it occasionally in a pipe. "History of Tobacco." Health & Literacy Special Collection. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2013. <