Exploiting patents in China Methods and considerations in strategic patent portfolio management Giovanni F. Casucci
EXPLOITATION WAYS FULL EXCLUSIVITY FULL LICENSING OUT MIX STRATEGIES (enforceability concerns) via local sub-manufacturers/distributors/resellers FULL LICENSING OUT (royalties collection concerns) via local manufacturers MIX STRATEGIES
CHINA issues A) Check the Technology Import – Export Catalogues in order to avoid to set up a wrong exploitation model B) Selecting the right partner/s accurate investigations before C) For sub-manufacturing issues adopt a “modular strategy” unrelated companies and clear confidentiality issues D) Setting up a WFOE or JV E) Adopt a clear and Chinese system consistent Contractual policy
CONTRACTUAL IP issues Improvements management Inventions realised by Chinese employees (R&D in China) Confidentiality and Know How management Reverse engineering : licit Avoid abusive clauses Compulsory license Recordal of the License agreement Dispute resolution options: - IP Courts - ADR (in that case manage the interim measures option)
Director of Master ICE on Intellectual Property “IDEACINA”, Studio Legale Casucci Ferretti STP Viale Regina Margherita 35 20122 Milano T +39.(0)2.87389450 F +39.(0)2.87389452 milano@bardehle.eu Piazza Bra 28 37121 Verona T +39.(0)45.9230185 F +39.(0)45.9230186 verona@bardehle.eu Santa Croce 2122 30135 Venezia T +39.(0)41.0991600 F +39.(0) 41.0991619 venezia@bardehle.eu www.bardehle.com GIOVANNI F. CASUCCI Attorney at Law Director of Master ICE on Intellectual Property “IDEACINA”, Member of the permanent Faculty of MIP Politecnico di Milano Coordinator of Centro Studi Anticontraffazione of Milan External IP Expert at IPKey project, Beijing External IP Expert at IPR SME Helpdesk project, Beijing Member of EPLAW, LES, AIPPI and ECTA.