By. Anna Catherine Barranco The Solar System
Our Solar System The Sun Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
Inner Planets Mercury Venus Earth Mars Venus is the second closest planet to the sun. It is hotter than Mercury. This is because of it’s atmosphere that traps the heat. It has no moons. Earth is the third planet from the Sun. It’s where we live (Of course!) It’s the only planet with water. It has one moon. Mercury is the smallest planet and is the closest planet to the Sun. It has many craters and has no moons. Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. It is the last inner planet. It is home to the largest volcano in our solar system.
Outer Planets Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun. It has 27 moons and 13 vertical rings. The fact that the rings are vertical is awesome! Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system. It has 64 moons and is completely made of gas. That red spot is a giant hurricane spinning right now! Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Neptune is the furthest planet from the Sun. It has 13 moons and 9 rings. It is the coldest planet. Saturn is the second biggest planet. It has 24 horizontal rings and 52 moons.
Dwarf Planets Eris was discovered in 2005 and is the biggest dwarf planet in our solar system Ceres is located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Was discovered in 1801, 45 years before Neptune. Pluto was once considered our ninth planet until 2006 when it was down-graded to a dwarf planet I chose these three because I thought they were the most interesting
In the Milky-Way Galaxy Far, Far, Away . . . There was a Solar System That had a Planet with Water That Planet was EARTH!
The Blue Planet Oceans And Seas are Different! Atlantic Pacific Indian Arctic Southern 71% water 29% land 97% of water is salt 70% of freshwater is from the icecaps Ready to Have Your Mind Blown?! The Pacific is the biggest ocean We Have Five Oceans and They Are . . . A sea is a part of the ocean enclosed by land. Example: Gulf of Mexico The Arctic is the smallest ocean
Earth’s Topography: The Seven Continents Antarctica: all ice and snow Africa: longest river in the world; the Nile 4,180 mi Australia: Only continent completely surrounded by water Asia: Mt. Everest highest altitude in world; 29,029 ft Europe: Surrounded by; Arctic & Atlantic Oceans, and Mediterranean, Black, Baltic, North,& Caspian Seas North America: Grand Canyon, the deepest valley; 5,702.4 ft deep 277 miles long South America: deepest canyon, Cotahuas Canyon; 11,003.52 ft deep
Antarctica Africa Europe South America Australia Asia North America
Now to Take You on a Journey to the Red Planet! Otherwise known as MARS!
Mars: the Red Planet Called the “Red Planet” because of it is redish-orange hue (color) Craters are the most common topographical feature Southern hemisphere has lots of craters Northern hemisphere has lava filled plains Has two continents: Utopia Planitia (plain of Utopia) and Arabia Terra (land of Arabia) Three dark spots that look like seas, were called: Mare Erythaeum, Mare Sirenum, & Aurorae Sinus
Mars: Awesome Features Argyre Planitia 497.1 mile “dent” on Mars. I see a smiley face! It is one of Mars youngest geographical features. Only 3.5 billion years old! Olympus Mons A GAINT volcano that is three times the size of Mt. Everest. 81,998.4 ft high. 387.7 miles wide! It is a shield volcano so it would be fairly easy to climb. The largest volcano in the solar system. Valles Marineris The largest canyon system in the solar system. 2,485.49 miles long. That’s longer than United States is wide! 62.14 mi wide and 6.2 mi deep. 7x the size of the Grand Canyon! Ice Caps There are ice caps on Mars. You heard me, ice caps on Mars. And they’re melting! Talk about global warming! These ice caps are made of dry ice. Ma’adim Vallis A large valley on Mars, one of the largest. 534.38 mi long, 9.32 mi wide, and up to 1.3 mi deep.
No, Not that Curiosity This One
The Curiosity Rover What Curiosity Found Carbon hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, & phosphorus; the elements necessary for life A lack of methane, methane is what living organisms produce Evidence of an ancient streambed: smooth, rounded rocks that probably rolled downhill Is over 1 year old Is the third Mars Rover Travels 660 ft a day
Sojourner, landed in 1997 Sprit/Opportunity, landed in 2004 Curiosity, landed in 2012
How Earth and Mars are Alike Both have volcanoes, canyons, valleys, continents, ice caps, rocks, soil, mountains, southern hemispheres, northern hemispheres and both have a least one moon Both don’t have any rings Both have nicknames having to do with their color (The Blue Planet; The Red Planet) Both seem to be having global warming issues
How Earth and Mars are Different Has water Has living organisms One moon Has seas and oceans Closer to the Sun and shorter orbit Two moons NO water Deserted Half the size of Earth Colder Earth Mars
In Conclusion . . . There are eight planets and five dwarf planets in our solar system. Earth is the only planet with water. Mercury is the smallest planet and Jupiter is the biggest. Mars holds the largest volcano in our solar system as well as many other solar system-records. The rover “Curiosity” has collected important data about Mars and is colleting more right now. Space is wonderful and is mind-boggling! I hope I’ve taught you something you didn’t know, or at least that I’ve entertained you.
See you in Another Galaxy!