Suicide Prevention—A presentation for Students Adolescent Suicide Prevention—A presentation for Students As defined by House Bill 2535 or “Jamie’s Law” W. Va. Code § 18-2-40. Jackson County Schools August 2015
Growing up is hard to do. Being a teenager is tough Growing up is hard to do. Being a teenager is tough. There are a lot of pressures and a lot of things going on in life. There can be pressures and situations that seem more than you can handle, making it feel like there is no way out. Sometimes it seems like it situations will never end… like things will never change. HANG ON. THERE IS HOPE! When you or someone you care about is suicidal, it’s incredibly important to get help immediately. Supporting someone who is thinking about suicide can be very stressful, it’s OK to get help for yourself too. How can I get help? Anytime you are in crisis you can call or chat with the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.
What are the warning signs of suicide? Talking about wanting to die or to kill themselves Looking for a way to kill themselves, such as searching online or buying a gun Talking about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live Talking about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain Talking about being a burden to others Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs Acting anxious or agitated; behaving recklessly Sleeping too little or too much Withdrawing or isolating themselves Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge Displaying extreme mood swings
What is our state doing to prevent suicide among young people??? House Bill 2535 or “Jamie’s Law” passed during the 2015 Regular Legislative Session. The West Virginia Legislature passed this law to help students like you to learn about the causes of suicide and to give you the tools to literally save your own life, a friend’s life or a classmate’s life. People are getting smarter about this sad occurrence. Not so long ago, suicide was a taboo topic. You just weren't supposed to talk about it. Fortunately, some people did, and we have come to understand it as a significant public health concern.
HOW CAN THIS MAJOR HEALTH CONCERN BE ADDRESSED? The best way to prevent suicide is through early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of depression and other mood disorders. AMERICAN FOUNDATION FOR SUICIDE PREVENTION Learn more at or call 888-333-AFSP
No matter if it doesn’t always feel like it. You matter No matter if it doesn’t always feel like it. You matter. And in moments when you feel like you just need some support, there is help out there. You Matter is a movement to spread the word that your problems, your worries, your fears, and above all you—unique and real you—matter. And because just about everyone—at some point—hits the wall, we’re here to help you get over that wall. Reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
4 Ways to Deal With a Suicidal Friend EMMA was scared when a friend texted that she wanted to end her own life. Thankfully, EMMA and her parents were able to help—and may have saved a life. It was 11:30 pm when EMMA got the first text, “Should I? Yes.” After 30 minutes and no luck of trying to convince her friend to not swallow a handful of pills, EMMA woke her parents and told them that her friend was about to take her own life. Two hours later and several calls to the local sheriff office, EMMA and her parents had done everything possible. The next day, they were informed by the friend’s cousin that she was still alive and well. You never know when you may get a text like that from a friend, next is list of ways to deal when your friend is thinking of suicide:
4 Ways to Deal With a Suicidal Friend 1. Insist they call or chat with the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 The Lifeline counselors are available to help even if you’re not actively suicidal. When you call or chat, you’ll be transferred to a crisis worker who will listen to your problems and may be able to suggest mental health services around your area. 2. Tell a trusted adult No matter how scared you are, your friend’s life is at stake. There’s only so much a minor can do without an adult. 3. Don’t make deals When your friend tells you to not tell anyone about their suicidal thoughts, don’t keep quiet. If no one knows, the chances them of receiving help are drastically lower. 4. Be a friend If a friend confides to you about being suicidal, they trust you a lot. Listen, offer hope, be sympathetic, and most importantly, be yourself. They’re looking for help, not a runaway friend. You have to remember that the only person you can control is yourself. Sometimes, you have no power over what others do. At the end of the day, you may feel like your friend will hate you for stopping them. Truthfully, your bond will grow stronger. They may not see it at first, but you have given them the most important gift of all: a second chance.
When you dial 1-800-273-TALK (8255), you are calling the crisis center in the Lifeline network closest to your location. After you call, you will hear a message saying you have reached the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. You will hear hold music while your call is being routed. You will be helped by a skilled, trained crisis worker who will listen to your problems and will tell you about mental health services in your area. Your call is confidential and free. Find Help For… Addiction, Anxiety, Depression, Eating Disorders, Gender Identity, Self-Harm, Serious Mental Illness, Sexual Assault, Sexuality, Suicide etc. You are still here— and the LIFELINE wants to help you find hope. If you feel like you are in crisis, no matter how big or small, we want you to call. 1-800-273-TALK (8255),
The Lifeline is a network of 166 crisis centers in 49 states The Lifeline is a network of 166 crisis centers in 49 states. It is one of many resources available anonymously to anyone who is feeling badly or who wants to help a friend that is suicidal. More resources:
Suicide is Preventable! Suicide affects us all -- more than twice the number of people in America die from suicide than homicides, and more people die by suicide than car accidents each year. In 2013, suicide was the second leading cause of death among West Virginians ages 10-34. If you think that any of your friends or classmates may be thinking of killing themselves—or have serious problems that they have not told anyone about—tell a responsible adult. Find someone can help. This may be a teacher, guidance counselor, or other member of the school staff. It might also be your parents, the parents or sibling of a friend, a member of the clergy, or someone who works at the local youth center. If you need help finding someone who can help, call (800) 273-TALK (8255).
SOME THINGS THAT YOU CAN DO……………….. Don’t be afraid of being wrong. It is often hard to tell if someone is really thinking about killing or hurting him- or herself. Some of the warning signs for suicide could also be signs of drug or alcohol use, serious family problems, or depression or another mental illness. People with these problems still need help—and you can help. Just talking to them can make a big difference. Teens will often share secrets and feelings with other teens that they will not share with adults. However, you may need to be persistent before they are willing to talk. Talking about suicide or suicidal thoughts will not push someone to kill him- or herself. It is a huge myth that people who talk about killing themselves will not do so! They have. Share this number Questions?????????????