Learning Goals: Scarcity and the Factors of Production Explain why scarcity and choice are basic problems of economics. Identify land, labor, and capital as the three factors of production, and identify the two types of capital.
Bell ringer What comes to mind when you hear the word scarce? What are some items that you think might be scarce?
What Is Economics? Economics is the study of how people make choices to satisfy their wants For example: You must choose how to spend your time Businesses must choose how many people to hire
Scarcity and Shortages Scarcity occurs when there are limited quantities of resources to meet unlimited needs or desires Shortages occur when producers will not or cannot offer goods or services at current prices Shortages can be temporary or long-term, but scarcity always exists Why? What may cause a temporary shortage for a good?
The Factors of Production Land All natural resources that are used to produce goods and services. Examples? Labor Any effort a person devotes to a task for which that person is paid. Capital Any human-made resource that is used to create other goods and services.
The Factors of Popcorn Production Land Popping Corn Labor The human effort needed to pop the corn Capital Corn-Popping Device Provide another example of land, labor, and capital What do you think is the different between physical capital and human capital?
Scarcity Activity Do you think that time can be considered a resource? Consider whether or not time is a scarce resource Create a chart that shows how, in a typical weekday, you allocate the 24 hours available to you.
Learning Goals: Opportunity Cost Describe why every decision involves tradeoffs. Explain the concept of opportunity cost. Explain how people make decisions by thinking at the margin.
Bell ringer Choose ONE of the following vacation destinations and be prepared to explain your choice: Hawaii Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Paris, France The Bahamas Las Vegas
Trade-offs and Opportunity Cost Trade-offs are all the alternatives that we give up whenever we choose one course of action over others. Examples for individuals? Examples for businesses? Examples for society (guns vs. butter)? The most desirable alternative given up as a result of a decision is known as opportunity cost. Write a definition of opportunity cost in your own words and provide examples from your own life
The Decision-Making Grid Economists encourage us to consider the benefits and costs of our decisions. Benefits Enjoy more sleep Have more energy during the day Better grade on test Teacher and parental approval Personal satisfaction Decision Sleep late Wake up early to study for test Opportunity cost Extra study time Extra sleep time Benefits forgone Wake up early to study Alternatives Karen’s Decision-making Grid
Thinking at the Margin When you decide how much more or less to do, you are thinking at the margin. Decisions aren’t always “all or nothing” Options 1st hour of extra study time 2nd hour of extra study time 3rd hour of extra study time Benefit Grade of C on test Grade of B on test Grade of B+ on test Opportunity Cost 1 hour of sleep 2 hours of sleep 3 hours of sleep
Decision Making at the Margin Decide whether to work 2, 4, or 6 hours at an after- school job by comparing the opportunity cost and benefit of each alternative.
Global Trade-Offs How can the same decision made in two different countries have vastly different opportunity costs?
Learning Goals: Production Possibilities Graphs Identify key points on a production possibilities curve. Demonstrate how production possibilities curves show efficiency, growth, and cost. Explain why a country’s production possibilities depend on its available resources and technology.
Production Possibilities A production possibilities graph shows alternative ways that an economy can use its resources. The production possibilities frontier is the line that shows the maximum possible output for that economy. Watermelons (millions of tons) Shoes (millions of pairs) 25 20 15 10 5 Production Possibilities Graph a (0,15) 15 8 14 b (8,14) 14 18 20 21 12 9 5 A production possibilities frontier c (14,12) d (18,9) e (20,5) f (21,0)
Shoes (millions of pairs) Watermelons (millions of tons) Efficiency Efficiency means using resources in such a way as to maximize the production of goods and services. An economy producing output levels on the production possibilities frontier is operating efficiently. Shoes (millions of pairs) 25 20 15 10 5 Watermelons (millions of tons) Production Possibilities Graph c (14,12) d (18,9) e (20,5) f (21,0) a (0,15) b (8,14) S g (5,8) A point of underutilization
Shoes (millions of pairs) Watermelons (millions of tons) Growth Growth If more resources become available, or if technology improves, an economy can increase its level of output and grow. When this happens, the entire production possibilities curve “shifts to the right.” Give specific examples of what would cause shifts to the right and left. Shoes (millions of pairs) 25 20 15 10 5 Watermelons (millions of tons) Production Possibilities Graph T Future production Possibilities frontier c (14,12) d (18,9) e (20,5) f (21,0) a (0,15) b (8,14) S
Watermelons (millions of tons) Shoes (millions of pairs) Cost Cost A production possibilities graph shows the cost of producing more of one item. To move from point c to point d on this graph has a cost of 3 million pairs of shoes. Watermelons (millions of tons) Shoes (millions of pairs) 25 20 15 10 5 Production Possibilities Graph 14 18 21 12 9 8 c (14,12) d (18,9)
Problem Solving How would you illustrate the impact of each of the following events on a productions possibilities curve for factory goods and farm goods? The computer is invented 1 million farm workers remain unemployed for six months A drought