ARM port(s) update Where are we now, what's coming? Steve McIntyre <> Debian/ARM/Linaro 10th July 2012
Agenda armel armhf Buildds and hardware Elsewhere? New stuff! Take notes in gobby please! debconf12/bof/arm-ports
armel Current port, first released with Lenny Soft-float ABI, v4t Still needed for older hardware Still supported upstream...
armhf Accepted for Wheezy release \o/ Hard-float ABI, v7, VFPv3-D16 New standard for ARM Linux distros Linker path & multi-arch Well-supported upstream now Some porting/fixes still not done Mono, libffi, ...
Keeping up
Keeping up (2)
Buildds and hardware Currently relying on dev boards: Marvell Feroceon (v5) for armel Freescale imx53 (v7) for armhf Issues New hardware – real servers Common kernel → common buildds?
Elsewhere Raspbian v6hard-float ABI Forwards-compatible with armhf Good community work Ubuntu armel v7 v5, soft-float armhf 12.04 LTS release
Elsewhere, further OpenSUSE Focus on v7 hard-float Lower-priority v5 port Hoping for 12.2 ARM release Fedora F17 ARM released; be careful
Elsewhere, even further Mageia Gentoo ChromeOS Android
New stuff Virtualisation Many ARM instances LPAE Lots of RAM UEFI Standard boot architecture
More new stuff! ARMv8, 64-bit capable Come to “AArch64 planning”!
What else? More porters always welcome #debian-arm on
Thanks And all the community! Slides © 2012 Steve McIntyre <> Released under GPL v2 at