Ch. 6 Sec. 3 “Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship” P. 222-225 PowerPoint Notes
Ch. 6 Sec. 3 “Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship” P. 222-225 Gaining U.S. Citizenship Naturalized citizens Foreign-born people whose parents are not citizens must move to U.S. to be naturalized. Long process Over 18, must live in U.S. for 5 years, support themselves, law-abiding, English speaking, knowledge of U.S. history Go before court, take oath Deport Returned to country of origin Can lose citizenship, no president
Ch. 6 Sec. 3 “Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship” P. 222-225 Duties of Citizenship Obey the law Vote Pay taxes Defend the nation Register for draft Required military service (not active) Serve on jury
Ch. 6 Sec. 3 “Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship” P. 222-225 Citizens and Government Learn about issues and candidates Help campaigns volunteer Political action committees Collect money for candidates who support certain issues Interest groups People that share common interests that motivate them to take action Rallies, speeches, letters to reps Community Volunteer to serve Red Cross, Boys/Girl scouts, neighborhood groups, etc.
Assignment Ch. 6 Sec. 3, P. 225 1a, 2a/b, 3a, 4