What You Need To Know What You Need To Know Protective® Asset Builder with Citi Flexible Allocation 6 Excess Return Index What You Need To Know What You Need To Know PABD.520219 (03.17)
Protective Asset Builder FIA Flexible Allocation 6 Excess Return Index as an option on the Protective Asset Builder FIA available exclusively with Do you have questions about the Citi Flexible Allocation 6 Excess Return Index, exclusively available on the Protective Asset Builder FIA? It’s a subject we get asked about a lot.
Flexible Allocation 6 Excess Return Index Seeks to limit volatility 2 different volatility indicators determine allocation to the core portfolio or the reserve portfolio to keep volatility at or below 6% The Citi Index specifically seeks to limit volatility. Using two different volatility indicators, performance will be based on either the Index’s Core Portfolio, or Reserve Portfolio, all in attempts to keep volatility at or below 6%.
Flexible Allocation 6 Excess Return Index Seeks to limit volatility index performance is fundamental part of product While the Index is an important part of this product, what’s even more important to understand is that index performance alone doesn’t tell the whole story. To understand the true value of this product, it’s important to look at how the index performs within the crediting strategies available on the Protective Asset Builder. how index performs within crediting strategies is of equal importance
Citi Flexible Allocation 6 Excess Return Index Citi Index Performance Protective Asset Builder Contract Value (100% 2-Year Strategy, Participation Focus)1 Inception date for the Citi Flexible Allocation 6 Excess Return Index Let’s take a closer look. The red line indicates performance of the Citi Index. <<CLICK>> Compare that to the blue line, which indicates the same index performance within the Asset Builder FIA contract, with 100% of the purchase payment allocated to the 2-year participation and spread strategy with a participation focus. Depending on performance, the index can credit interest to client contracts every two years. But, the contract value doesn’t drop if index performance declines. Even better, this strategy is not limited by a cap rate, and instead, credits interest using specified participation and spread rates. Assumes 100% Participation Rate The chart above illustrates the pre-inception hypothetical performance of the Citi Index for 2006 through July 18, 2014; the post-inception data from July 18, 2014 through 2016 represents actual historical performance of the Index. These are hypothetical examples meant for illustrative purposes only. Not intended to show actual performance of an index.
Flexible Allocation 6 Excess Return Index Strategies don’t stand alone— diversify a plan for growth Balance the full product with Looking at performance when allocated 100% to a single strategy is really only part of the picture. <<CLICK>> Protective Asset Builder has additional options that credit interest annually based on the performance of the S&P 500, as well as a guaranteed fixed rate crediting strategy. This is important to understand, especially if you have a client who wants to capture the potential credits more regularly, have credits tied to the performance of a more recognized index, or have guaranteed interest. options to capture the potential credits more regularly credits tied to another recognized index options with guaranteed interest
Additional Indexed Strategies Protective Asset Builder Contract Value (100% 2-Year Strategy, Participation Focus)1 Protective Asset Builder Contract Value (100% Point-to-Point)2 Protective Asset Builder Contract Value (100% Trigger)3 Assumes 100% Participation Rate (Citi Index) Assumes 5.35% Rate Cap ( S&P 500) Assumes 4.10% Trigger Rate (S&P 500) In all, our four crediting strategies enable clients to diversify their allocation for growth in a variety of market conditions. <<CLICK>> Two of these strategies, tied to S&P 500 performance, are shown here, allocated at 100% within Asset Builder. Each credits interest annually, unlike the 2-year Citi option. Additionally, each option offers different opportunities for credits, and at different times. You can see where this made a difference in the variances among the strategies over time. Assumes 100% Participation Rate The chart above illustrates the pre-inception hypothetical performance of the Citi Index for 2006 through July 18, 2014; the post-inception data from July 18, 2014 through 2016 represents actual historical performance of the Index. These are hypothetical examples meant for illustrative purposes only. Not intended to show actual performance of an index.
Blended Strategy Protective Asset Builder Contract Value (100% 2-Year Strategy, Participation Focus)1 Protective Asset Builder Contract Value (100% Point-to-Point)2 Protective Asset Builder Contract Value (100% Trigger)3 Protective Asset Builder Contract Value (3 Strategy Blend)4 Assumes 100% Participation Rate (Citi Index) Assumed 5.35% Rate Cap (S&P 500) Assumes 4.10% Trigger Rate (S&P 500) Allocated 33% Citi Index Participation Focus, 33% Annual Point-to-Point, 33% Trigger (Participation Focus assumes a 100% Participation Rate) Assumes 100% Participation Rate Assumed 5.35% Rate Cap Assumes 4.10% Trigger Rate The real key to the power of this product, though, is this: Allocating among strategies gives your clients’ investment the chance to optimize protected asset growth. Reflected on the purple line, this “blend” allows for interest to accumulate through a variety of crediting strategies, working together to credit interest both annually and biennially, with exposure to two different indexes. This enables client contracts to capture gains and minimizes risks by varying objectives and exposure to different strategies. With Protective Asset Builder FIA, clients are able to cover their bases and create custom opportunities for growth, all in a variety of market scenarios. The chart above illustrates the pre-inception hypothetical performance of the Citi Index for 2006 through July 18, 2014; the post-inception data from July 18, 2014 through 2016 represents actual historical performance of the Index. These are hypothetical examples meant for illustrative purposes only. Not intended to show actual performance of an index.
888.340.3428 Contact our Annuity Sales Desk If you have any additional questions about the Citi Index, please contact your Protective Annuity Wholesaler, or the Annuity Sales Desk at 888.340.3428.
Important Information Citi and Citi Arc design are trademarks and service marks of Citigroup Inc. or its affiliates, are used and registered throughout the world, and are used under license for certain purposes by Protective Life Insurance Company or its affiliates (the “Licensee”). Citigroup Global Markets Limited (“Citigroup”) has licensed the Citi Flexible Allocation 6 Excess Return Index (the “Index”) to the Licensee for its sole benefit. Neither the Licensee nor Protective Asset Builder (the “Product”) is sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Citigroup or any of its affiliates. Citigroup makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, to persons investing in the Product. Such persons should seek appropriate advice before making any investment. The Index has been designed and is compiled, calculated, maintained and sponsored by Citigroup without regard to Licensee, the Product or any investor in the Product. Citigroup is under no obligation to continue sponsoring or calculating the Index. CITIGROUP DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR PERFORMANCE OF THE INDEX, THE INDEX METHODOLOGY, THE CALCULATION OF THE INDEX OR ANY DATA SUPPLIED BY CITIGROUP FOR USE IN CONNECTION WITH THE PRODUCT AND DISCLAIMS ALL LIABILITY FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES EVEN IF NOTIFIED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Please see https://investmentstrategies.citi.com/cis/us for additional important information about the Citi Flexible Allocation 6 Excess Return Index.
Important Information Protective Life sets interest rates at its sole discretion and cannot guarantee or predict future interest rates. All non-guaranteed components of the indexing formula may change and could be different in the future. Indexed interest could be less than that earned in a traditional fixed annuity, and could be zero. For product details, benefits, limitations and exclusions, please consult the contract, product guide and disclosure statement. These documents describe the terms and conditions that control the insurance company’s contractual obligations. All payments and guarantees are subject to the claims-paying ability of Protective Life Insurance Company. Neither Protective Life nor its representatives offer legal or tax advice. Purchasers should consult with their legal or tax advisor regarding their individual situations before making any tax-related decisions. Annuities are long-term insurance contracts intended for retirement planning. Protective Asset Builder is a limited flexible premium deferred indexed annuity contract issued under policy form series FIA-P-2011 or FIA-P-2010. Protective Asset Builder is issued by Protective Life Insurance Company located in Birmingham, AL. Policy form numbers, product availability and features may vary by state.
Important Information The S&P 500 Index performance is actual historical performance for the period shown. Neither the hypothetical nor the historical performance of either index reflects the amount of interest credited to an investment in an interest crediting strategy during the time period depicted. Actual results for a specific annuity contract depend on the crediting strategy chosen and the spread or participation rate for the time period(s) shown. Interest is credited on the last day of the applicable crediting term, therefore the amount of interest credited to a contract’s value, if any, depends on the index value on that day and not over the entire crediting period. All index performance data for the Citi Flexible Allocation 6 Excess Return Index before July 18, 2014, is hypothetical because the index did not exist before that date. Hypothetical back-tested index performance information is subject to significant limitations. Citigroup Global Markets Limited developed the rules of the index with the benefit of hindsight—that is, with the benefit of being able to evaluate how the index rules would have caused the index to perform had it existed during the hypothetical back-tested period. The fact that the index generally appreciated over the hypothetical back-tested period may not therefore be an accurate or reliable indication of any fundamental aspect of the index methodology. Furthermore, the hypothetical back-tested performance of the index might look different if it covered a different historical period. The market conditions that existed during the hypothetical back-tested period may not be representative of market conditions that will exist in the future. In providing the hypothetical back-tested and historical index performance information above, no representation is made that the index is likely to achieve gains or losses similar to those shown. In fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by a particular investment. One of the limitations of hypothetical performance information is that it did not involve financial risk and cannot account for all factors that would affect actual performance. The actual future performance of the index may bear no relation to the hypothetical back-tested performance of the index. The relationship between the performance of the Citi Flexible Allocation 6 Excess Return Index and the S&P 500 Index shown in this presentation is not an indication of how the performance of the two indexes may compare in the future. By including performance information for these two indexes, no suggestion is made that the S&P 500 Index is the only index to which the hypothetical back-tested performance of the Citi Flexible Allocation 6 Excess Return Index should be compared. Protective Asset Builder is not an investment in any index, is not a security or stock market investment, does not participate in any stock or equity investment, and does not contain dividends.