ACCESS NWP Version Releases Michael Naughton ACCESS Research Leaders Group Meeting 1 May 2015
ACCESS NWP Versions ACCESS NWP versions release strategies ACCESS NWP releases are principally based on Bureau operational ACCESS NWP systems APS0/1/2/3/.. == ACCESS Parallel Suite n, cf. Met Office PSnn Bureau NWP Governance ACCESS NWP Working Group (ANWP) OSICG – Operational Systems Implementation Co-ordination Group Bureau Numerical Prediction Board Processes defined in 2013 Bureau Realignment Project WG5 report APS2 Science Business Case APS2 Business Case APS0 – Developed 2005 onwards – Operational 2009-2014 APS1 – Developed 2009 onwards – Operational 2013-2016 APS2 – Developed 2013 onwards – Operational 2015- APS3 – Developed 2015 onwards – Operational 2018- … The Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research A partnership between CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology
APS1 APS1 AC-G1/R1/C1/TC1 Based on MO PS24 jobs; UM7.5/7.6 MO PS components provided via collab_wiki Documented build jobs and suites for each system Code managed under svn Scripts & suites managed under svn and umui/varui/opsui/scsui Data files in ~access Documentation in AMOJ ACCESS NWP paper and Bureau NWP Forecast Bulletins Standard configurations supported in ACCESS Model Experiment Library, as part of CWSLab project (G1, C1) Output forecast files and model cycling files Saved to MARS and sam RDSI archive at NCI in /g/data/rr4 for G1/R1/C1 since 2014 Some charts also archived The Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research A partnership between CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology
APS2 APS2 AC-G2/GE2/R2/C2/TC2 Based on MO PS28 jobs; UM8.2-8.4, UM7.9 for GE MO PS components provided via collab_wiki Documented build jobs and suites for each system Code managed under svn Scripts & suites managed under svn and umui/varui/opsui/scsui Data files in ~access Documentation in CAWCR Research Report and Bureau NWP Forecast Bulletins Output forecast files and model cycling files Being saved to MARS and sam RDSI archive at NCI in /g/data/rr4 for G2/R2/C2 The Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research A partnership between CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology
APS3 onwards APS3 onwards AC-G3/GE3/R3/C3/GE3/TC3 Release management based on MOSRS shared repository working practices with Met Office (Met Office Science Repository Service) Based on MO PS36+ jobs; UM10.x MO & ACCESS NWP suites maintained in Rosie:u shared suites database Component codes managed under MOSRS svn source repositories Data files obtained via UK Jasmine data server Output forecast files and model cycling files Saved to MARS and sam RDSI archive at NCI: depending on availability and resourcing The Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research A partnership between CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology
ACCESS Model Experiment Library Developed under NeCTAR CWSLab projects 2012-2014, 2015 Climate and NWP configurations Standard, supported experiments Documented run cases NWP experiments based on APS1 & APS2 configurations Formal user testing and evaluation was conducted in 2014 The Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research A partnership between CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology
NWP Research Versions NWP Research versions are also in use at various times. Presently, there is not an official release strategy for research versions, they vary from application to application, based on scientists projects and collaborations. Some research versions are available in the ACCESS Model Experiment Library, such as NWP configurations for T-AMIP, SCM's. ACCESS versions of Stuart Webster's nested suites and 1.5km ENDGAME configurations are also available. The Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research A partnership between CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology
Shared Repository Service collaboration Met Office Science Repository Service (MOSRS) Supported by Met Office Shared resource available to all UM collaborators Source code svn repositories – UM, JULES, OPS, VAR, GCOM, etc. Configuration management -- single trunk & user-based branches Mirrored on accessdev & ngamai for risk management and faster access speed TRAC system for version documentation wiki documentation pages (replacing collab_wiki) code and issue tickets, linked to svn revisions Rosie:u database of suites/experiments – svn repository Replacement for UMUI, VARUI, OPSUI, SCSUI Source versions: UM10.1, 10.2, etc. Science configuration release versions: GA6, GA7, etc. ACCESS version releases can be same or different from Met Office To be determined The Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research A partnership between CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology