European Ice Service EIS


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Presentation transcript:

European Ice Service EIS Erik Buch Ari Seina Helge Tangen

EIS The Finnish Marine Research Institute, and Danish Meteorological Institute have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding stating the objectives and principles of a formalised co-operation on operational ice charting and services in European ice covered waters

Background The partners are the national ice services of governmental organisations responsible for operational ice services of their country in the Arctic Ocean and Baltic Sea where sea ice plays an important role. Their service supports mostly safety and economy in shipping, fishing and offshore activities, but it is also related to general oceanographic, meteorological and climate related issues of society.

Strategy It is the strategy of EIS to cooperate on and harmonize: Production of daily analysis of sea ice parameters at various spatial and time scales in order to improve operational ice monitoring and forecasting; Introducing new services complementing traditional ice services both at a global and regional scale tailored to meet user requirements in their operations at sea and on land, Implementing a reliable validation systems as an essential part of production to increase users trust in the products; and Implementing user-friendly information and decision support systems.

Strategy Increase public awareness of the ice-infested seas, and better understanding of key climate processes at high latitudes Be a strong and unified voice when needs and requirements for future satellite missions are discussed; Secure a substantial European operational capacity in the field of charting and forecasting of sea ice; Make a substantial European contribution to international programs in the European Polar areas; Provide reliable access to high-resolution observation data sets for the climate change community.

Benefits to European citizens Improved policy and decision making; Contributions to better management of environment, prevention and control of marine pollution and conservation of Arctic and Baltic ecosystems; Safer marine transportation and offshore operations in Polar and Baltic Sea regions including improved design criteria for vessels and marine constructions based on information from EIS; and Better understanding of climate change.

Objectives The objective of this cooperation in the field of basic operational ice service is to work together as a network, to help providing an ice service of a higher quality and better cost efficiency than the former level, providing better ways to distribute products and services, providing uninterrupted services in the case of mission critical failure in either centre, improving the capacity to participate and contribute in an international infrastructure development, providing common opportunities for the participating Parties to benefit from the cooperation.

Scope of co-operation The scope of co-operative activities extends to areas such as Observations Data and product management Product development Development of production system Production Procurement Education & Training

International cooperation The cooperation for EIS will have clear relations to other international organisations and established cooperations: WMO, JCOMM, IOC, ETSI, IICWG, BSIM, BIM, EuroGOOS, Arctic ROOS, BOOS,

Organisation and management Board with one representative from each member. The board elects among itself a Chairman for a 2 years period.

New partners Other ice services in Europe can join the EIS, when they have proved capabilities in provision of operational ice products and services.