Palm Beach County AIMING For Finish Line


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Presentation transcript:

Palm Beach County AIMING For Finish Line July 17, 2017

PALM BEACH COUNTY Geographically fifth largest County east of the Mississippi One shelter with 60 beds for individuals & one shelter for families with 19 units Utilize hotel vouchers for families CoC Lead & HMIS Lead 2017 PIT -1607 sheltered & unsheltered 2017 FMR 1 BR - $1093 2 BR - $1,370 3BR - $1,878

Palm Beach County - Funding 2016 CoC Funds - $5,624,242 (91% PSH & 6%RRH) SSVF -$810,333 $3,100,000- local funding allocated to homeless services $975,000 – HOME funds dedicated to TBRA for RRH $450,000 – Private funding raised to support homeless services  

Funding Reallocation 2009 began reallocation from TH to PSH for those projects operating in apartment properties owned by providers 2011 Identified alternative funding for youth TH project 2011 reduced funding allocation from TH to develop additional PSH 2013 reallocated remaining TH funding to PSH Required 100% of the PSH beds be dedicated to CH HOME Funds were dedicated to TBRA for RRH

One step Forward two steps Backwards 100,000 Homes Campaign Began first By-Name List Placed only a quarter of those on the list Lost contact with those on the list Lost community interest quickly

One step Forward two steps Backwards Zero 2016 Campaign – Provided a shared goal Formalized utilization of a By-Name List Engaged community to collectively identify & house CH & Veterans Placed everyone who met criteria on list & quit evaluating other options Identified 800 unsheltered CH & Veteran persons

Pivotal System Analysis Data, Data, Data Analyzed the turnover rate of PSH beds (9-11 a yr) Analyzed the exits to PH from purchased ES beds (27%) Reallocated the ES funding to RRH RRH placement from the street Redirected navigation to include diversion services Analyzed data of TH program funded by ESG (67% utilization) Expensive hotel costs for families so reallocated a TH program for singles to provide ES for Families

Strategic Planning Changed ES shelter philosophy to low demand Reallocated ES dollars to RRH Conducted RRH directly from street Utilized RRH for CH as bridge housing Changed Navigation Script to start with Diversion Established clearer guidelines the By-Name list Organized the Outreach efforts

Light at the end of the tunnel RRH 81 housed since October 2016 (26 previous yr) Identified landlords willing to enter into a lease per bedroom Learned those identified for PSH could be successful in a less intensive housing model Provided diversion services and solution focused problem solving training Reduced By-Name List from 800 to 120 utilizing improved script to include diversion and more effective coordination of outreach efforts 2017 PIT demonstrated a 49% decrease in CH & 62% decrease in Veterans

Lessons Learned Data, Data, Data Strategic Planning needs to be ongoing Commit & Persevere Be Creative with the resources available

Questions Contact Information: Georgiana Devine 561-355-4778 PBC Human & Veteran @PBCDHSVS PBCHomelessandHousingAlliance