Evidence of Student Learning April 25th, 2014 Emily Smith
Placement Station Camp Elementary School (Sumner County) 5th Grade Karen Medana
School Demographics 944 Students 20 EL Students 106 Economically Disadvantaged 157 Students with Disabilities
Classroom Demographics 25 Students 8 Students with IEPs (including 4 gifted students) 1 Student with a 504 Plan 4 Economically disadvantaged students
The Standard. . . 5th Grade SPI: 0506.3.2: Evaluate multi-step numerical expressions involving fractions using order of operations.
Instructional Strategies Whole group with math journal notes: - P.E.M.D.A.S (Purple Elephants May Destroy A School) Differentiated Math Centers: - Marcy Cook Tiles - Versatiles - 5 Dice: Order of Operations: Ipad app - Small group seat work
Assessments Pre-test: Teacher Made Post-test: Teacher Made 5 Order of Operations problems Post-test: Teacher Made
Selection Criteria. . . 4th Grade Math TCAP Scores Spring Benchmark Test Scores
Advanced Student 93% Advanced 4th Grade TCAP 87% Advanced Study Island Spring Benchmark Pre-test: 40% Post-test: 100%
Proficient Student 89% Proficient 4th Grade TCAP 83% Proficient Study Island Spring Benchmark Pre-test: 20% Post-test: 100%
Basic Student 81% Basic 4th Grade TCAP 57% Basic Study Island Spring Benchmark Pre-test: 0% Post-test: 100%
Value Added Scale: Level 1: 0-20% Level 2: 21-40% Level 3: 41-60%
Students Value Added Advanced Student: Level 3 Proficient Student: Level 4 Basic Student: Level 5
Class Data
Reflection. . . Students really enjoyed differentiated centers More time for small group Overall, very pleased with class data