Meaning Of Soweto A city of northeast South Africa was the scene of violent rioting in 1976, when a student protest led to clashes with police.
Cause In 1976, students in the town of Soweto rose up against apartheid in South Africa. Police killed hundreds. The problem in Soweto started because the government wanted black students to be taught Afrikaans but their native language was English. (Called Bantu Education)
Problem This was a problem for the students because they felt that Afrikaans was the language whites. Some other problems were overcrowding, high drop out rates in schools, the racist curriculum and poorly maintained facilities
Rights Denied Denied access to jobs Black students received inferior education. The government spent 15 times more on the education of a white child than on the education of a Black child. Quote from law “Natives must be taught at an early age that equality with the Europeans is not for them.”
Why They Rebelled The children were tired of apartheid policies, tired of seeing their parents oppressed by the government tired of being denied their freedom, they had nothing to lose…. The morning of June 16, 1976 the students took action.
The Results Official reports claimed that 700 children died over the course of the year that the student uprisings occurred South Africa now recognizes June 16 as “Youth Day” in honor of the victims of that massacre.