Civilians in WWI Starter; Who are civilians? How did their lives changed during WWI? Make a list of ways.
Factors affecting Civilians Conscription Conscientious Objectors Rationing DORA Air Raids Censorship Propaganda Women
Your Task Visit the seven stations around the room to gather information on each topic You should write down key facts and information at each station Focus on how this event/ issue affected civilians i.e. what did they have to do? How did it change their life? Was it good/ bad for civilians? You need to collect enough information to write a 9 mark essay on this topic.
Home Front - Propaganda The British government started a propaganda campaign to ensure everyone was behind the war effort Anti German propaganda sketches & posters showing German soldiers as brutal were published in newspapers supposed atrocities in Belgium were exaggerated Germany was nicknamed ‘The Hun’ (enemy) Anti German feeling there were reports of German owned businesses having windows smashed German Shepherd dogs became ‘Alsatians’ The Royal family changed their name from Saxe-Coburg to Windsor German born citizens were shunned/ arrested as enemy aliens and imprisoned ‘Empire Biscuits’ were born
Changing Role of Women - Summary Work – before the war women mainly worked in domestic service. During war – 30,000 women working in Scottish munitions. Also in Land Army, bus conductors, train drivers, nurses & office jobs Attitudes – women gained respect from men/ public for their willingness to ‘do their bit’. Women received the vote at the end of the war. Dilution – Some men disliked women in the workplace. They worried women might replace them in industry or drive down wages. However most women were sacked after the war. Freedom – women gained more freedom during the war – financial independence, cutting hair short, wearing trousers, smoking. Many women could go out in public unchaperoned.
Example Essay Q To what extent did food shortages have the biggest impact on Scottish civilians during the First World War? Use recalled knowledge to introduce, then present a balanced assessment of the influence of different factors and come to a reasoned conclusion.) 9
Essay Plan Para 1 – Intro Set the scene of the topic – bit of ‘background’. List the factors you will discuss (including food shortages) Para 2 – Food Shortages Describe & give detail. What happened? How did this affect civilians? What was the solution? Did it work? Para 3 – Other Factors Here you should pick four more effects on civilians & describe each in detail. Make sure you relate each one back to civilians – how did affect them? Negatively or positively? Para 4 – Conclusion Start ‘In conclusion’ and recap the main things you have discussed. Decide which of all the things discussed had the biggest impact on civilians. Give evidence to support your decision.