Water Quality Acquisition Systems in Australia Future Water Resource Management through Modelling & Real-time Decision Support Systems Water resource management, numerical modelling, DSS and Stakeholder Engagement Make sure there isa reference to dynamic referencing.
Address uncertainty ? Pests Climate Change Uncertainty Urbanization Competing demand Loss of species Pollution
Know your WHY What is / likely / does happen: Monitor & Model & M&E Fit for Purpose? Policy Evidence-based decision making Regulator, industry and community cooperation Aim is to provide best available tools for management of water resources Here need to talk about the four key services that HN Performs
Things to do – add excel
Specialist Hydro-Met Monitoring Real-time flood forecasting, reservoir modelling and online Decision Support System for hydrology, water quality and flooding Hydrolog, XPSWMM, SCADA, AEM3D+ SOURCE Catchments Postgres database generation, secondary Postgres database Warning system and multiple scenario forecasting Online diagnostic and forecasting system ORACLE and SQL Server databases integration Aim is to provide best available tools for management of water resources Here need to talk about the four key services that HN Performs
Data > Information > Knowledge 100 monitoring sites over 5 catchments,
Engaging Experts
Engage Operators
Engage Decision Makers
WQ data + Model Results
Engaging communities Trust before Use
Benchmarking: Environmental Report Cards Synthesise large datasets for multiple sites Transformative assessment and communication tools Science to Policy
Water Quality Index (WQI) Single number to express overall water quality based on range of biological, physical or chemical parameters Complex > Easy to Use Geo-spatial and spatio-temporal consolidation
Pilot Study Uttar Pradesh
State to Site Level 1: Basin Level WQI Level 2: Site specific WQI Scores Level 3: Detailed Parameter Information
State to Site: WQI in Victoria Fully cloud based Historical WQ data: 20 parameters, ~ 20 years, 200 sites Watershed > Catchment > Sites Narrative, spatial and temporal analysis, actions Automated reporting, update of thresholds (norms), resources Combined SURFACE WATER / GROUNDWATER
State Regulation of Trans-boundary reporting regions Water resource management, numerical modelling, DSS and Stakeholder Engagement Make sure there isa reference to dynamic referencing.
Water Quality Index: Calculation 100 monitoring sites over 5 catchments,
Rapid Assessment for Policy 100 monitoring sites over 5 catchments,
Rapid Assessment for Policy 100 monitoring sites over 5 catchments,
Where do I monitor?
Lessons from Australia Use data to assist investment framework Build Trust among states/stakeholders/users Whole-of-life-Cycle Cost Assessment Think ‘downstream’ & ‘off-stream’ Combine qualitative and quantitative Consider alternative measures of ‘security’ The data are used to improve environment
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