Wilson Elementary School Lauren Fairlie Sharina Kuhn Ian Murray Travis Polster Matt Sachs Danielle Zimmermann
Types of Bullying Physical Verbal Covert Cyber Hitting, kicking, pushing, hurting someone or their belongings Verbal Insults, teasing, rude remarks, name calling Covert Spreading rumors and lies about someone, playing mean jokes, humiliating someone, encouraging others to socially shun someone Cyber Bullying using technology. Harassing someone through their cell phone, through Facebook, through email, or other internet sites. Can be public, or known only to the bully and the victim
What to do if you or someone you know is being bullied If you are being bullied… Talk to someone; friends, parents, teachers If someone you know is being bullied… Tell the person acting like a bully to stop Tell a teacher Try to help the person being targeted DO NOT watch or join If you or someone you know is being cyber-bullied… Don’t reply to the message Save the evidence Block or delete the sender Report the situation Tell people you trust For more information visit http://www.ncab.org.au/toptipsforkids/
If you are the bully Make a commitment to change Talk to an adult, teacher, or parent on how you can change your behavior to get along with others Ask a friend for help Apologize to those you have hurt Focus on empathy and responsibility Think about how it would feel to be bullied yourself Before you speak, think about how your words will help or hurt others Change your behavior Resist peer pressure to bully Remember, you don’t have to like everyone around you, but you have to treat everyone with respect
Activity Group Game If you want a friend, be a friend…don’t be a bully http://glsen.org/sites/default/files/Elementary%20plan%20set.pdf Share with students the following directions for the game Make A Group (10-15 minutes): This game is about making groups of people based on something you have in common with those people. We are going to clear a space in the room so that everyone can stand up and spread out with room to move. Then I am going to ask you to think about an answer to a question about yourself. Once you have thought of your answer, I am going to ask you to quickly find other people in the room who have an answer to the question that is the same or similar to yours. You can ask people their answers, or shout out your own in order to find other people to group with, but the rounds are going to move quickly. If you don’t find a group right away, that’s ok – you’ll find one on the next question. When I raise my hand, it will be time to listen to the next question and make new groups. Engage students in a number of rounds of the game using the Make A Group Suggested Questions supplement, in addition to other questions that are relevant and interesting to the group of students you are working with. It is important to ask questions that will include all students, and the idea is to ask questions quickly so students are kept on the move. If you can, close this portion of the lesson on a question that results in students being somewhat evenly divided into groups, and ask the groups to form small circles and sit down on the floor for the next part of the lesson.
Activity Continued What did we learn from this game? Did you have similarities with people you did not think you would? Did you realize how much you have in common with people? If you want a friend, be a friend…don’t be a bully
Harassment Policy Independent School District #761 is committed to having a positive learning and working environment for students and employees and prohibits racial, religious, or sexual harassment and violence. Harassment and violence may include but is not limited to the following when related to race, religion, or sex: - Name calling, jokes or rumors - Graffiti, notes, writing in textbooks, or cartoons - Hurtful words about weight, complexion, height, ability status - Unwelcome touching of a person or clothing - Offensive or graphic posters, book covers, locker decorations - Any words or actions that make you feel uncomfortable, embarrass you, hurt your feelings, or make you feel bad - Disparaging remarks to a person about gender or sexual orientation Any person who believes he or she has been the victim of harassment or violence or any person with knowledge or belief of conduct which may constitute harassment or violence should report the alleged acts immediately to the building principal. Please refer to attached district policies addendum for further information. Student Handbook 2012-2013 This is our school’s harassment policy. I know this is a lot of words and it may not all make sense but lets work together to figure out what it is saying.
Issues Name calling Put downs Aggressive behavior Judgment or favoritism Groups of students teaming up on others groups “Now, not all of these things in the harassment policy are happening in our school. Let’s talk about the things that we see happening throughout our school.” Talk about how all of these are occuring within the school and how they are not ok. Ask the students how they would feel if they were the ones who were being called names, judged, etc. Make sure the students understand that these issues are not ok within the school.
Why do these behaviors need to stop? Lasting impression Hurts peoples feelings Affects how well students do in school Feel alone What other reasons do you have? Have students come up with more reasons why the behaviors need to stop.
Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GafslVbGWiA Ask the students if they have any questions or comments after this video. If they do, take some time to discuss them. If they don’t, move on to the classroom activity in the next slide.
Classroom Activity Garden of Kindness If you want a friend, be a friend…don’t be a bully http://glsen.org/sites/default/files/Garden%20of%20Kindness%20primary.pdf Explain to the students that they will do an activity within their classroom. Dismiss the students and have them go to their classroom to do this activity. This is the follow up activity to go along with the presentation