Evaluating Information Reading Seminar
*Definition* Making judgments and forming opinions about what you’ve read before you’re reading, during, and after you’ve finished. Develop your own ideas about characters/people and events. A good reader evaluates the information an author gives him or her.
*How to Evaluate* When reading, listening, or viewing, first, look to see if information is provable or not provable before you form your opinions, make judgments, and create ideas. Provable= FACT Not Provable= OPINION Determine what’s below: Liberty Junior High is located in New Lenox. ______ Huge asteroid will destroy Earth this Saturday. _____ Global warming is caused by microwaves. _______ George Washington was our first president. ______
*How to Evaluate* When evaluating, discover the purpose of the author/speaker/writer. Remember, there are 3 different types of purposes: To Entertain Make you laugh, cry, think, or feel a certain way. To Persuade Convinces you of something. (advertisements/political speeches/commercials) To Inform Tell you facts and ideas.
*Summary* Evaluating Information is making judgments, forming opinions, and developing ideas about what you’re reading before, during, and after reading. This will help you to determine if what you are reading is authentic (true) and valuable information. It will also give you a better understanding of an author’s purpose. For example, If the author’s purpose is to persuade you, they may use extreme language to get you to believe their position.