Access 2002 Microsoft Access is a database software program. Database software is used to manage data that can be organized into lists of relational information Advantages of Access Fast data entry Fast information retrieval Advantages of Access (cont.) View and sort information in multiple ways Information is secure Share information
Database Terminology Key terms. A database is a collection of associated information A field, or category of information, is the smallest piece of information A key field is a field that contains unique information for each record A record is a group of related fields A table is a collection of records for a single subject
Database Terminology (cont.) Key terms (cont.) An Access database is a relational database, in which more than one table can share information Access objects include tables, queries, forms, reports, pages, macros, and modules Enter and edit data in four of the objects: tables, queries, forms, and pages
Database Terminology (cont.) Access objects and their purpose
Database Terminology (cont.) Relationship between Access objects
Starting Access 2002 and Opening a Database Use the Start button on the taskbar to open Access. Look in list arrow Access database
Viewing the Database Window The database window displays common Windows elements such as the title bar, menu bar, and toolbar. The Objects bar displays the buttons for the seven Access objects and group buttons The Groups area display other commonly used files and folders
Viewing the Database Window (cont.) Database window toolbar Database toolbar Objects bar Objects buttons Database window Click to expand or collapse Groups
Viewing the Database Window (cont.) Viewing objects. Change the way you view objects in the database window Click any of the last four buttons on the Database window toolbar Database window elements
Navigating Records Navigate through information in Navigation mode in the table’s datasheet. A table datasheet is a spreadsheet-like grid that displays fields as columns and records as rows A field name is listed at the top of each column The number of the selected record in the datasheet is displayed in the Specific Record box, also called the record number box
Navigating Records (cont.) Focus refers to which field is highlighted and ready to be edited The current record symbol in the record selector box identifies which record you are navigating Use the Next Record and Previous Record navigation buttons to navigate the datasheet
Navigating Records (cont.) Field Field name Current record symbol Current focus Record selector box Record Specific Record box Record buttons
Navigating Records (cont.) Changing to Edit mode. To change from Navigation mode to Edit mode, click a field with the mouse pointer In Edit mode, you can make changes to a particular field value The keystrokes [Ctrl][End], [Ctrl][Home], and the arrow keys move the insertion point
Entering Records Add new records to a database with the New Record button on the Table Datasheet toolbar. New records are added at the end of the datasheet The ID field in a table is an AutoNumber field Each time you add a record, Access automatically displays the next available integer in the AutoNumber field when you enter data
Entering Records (cont.) New Record button New record New Record button
Entering Records (cont.) Moving datasheet columns. Drag the field name to the left or right to move a column of data A thick black line identifies where the column will move to
Editing Records To change the contents of an existing record, click the field, then type. When you are editing a record, the edit record symbol appears in the record selector box. The edit record symbol looks like a small pencil
Editing Records (cont.) Edit symbol Insertion point
Entering Records (cont.) Moving datasheet columns. Drag the field name to the left or right to move a column of data A thick black line identifies where the column will move to
Editing Records To change the contents of an existing record, click the field, then type. When you are editing a record, the edit record symbol appears in the record selector box. The edit record symbol looks like a small pencil
Editing Records (cont.) Edit symbol Insertion point
Editing Records (cont.) Resizing datasheet columns. Resize the width of a field in a datasheet by dragging the thin black line that separates field names Double-click the thin black line to adjust the column width to accommodate the widest entry in the field
Previewing and Printing a Datasheet Before printing, it’s a good idea to preview your datasheet. When you preview a datasheet, you see a copy of the datasheet exactly as it will appear on paper
Previewing and Printing a Datasheet (cont.) Print Preview toolbar Print preview of a datasheet
Previewing and Printing a Datasheet (cont.) Hiding fields. To temporarily hide a field from appearing on a printout, click Format on the menu bar, then click Hide Columns Unchecked boxes in the Unhide Columns dialog box identify columns that are currently hidden
Getting Help and Exiting Access Access has an extensive help system. Access to definitions, instructions, and useful tips The Ask a Question box on the menu bar gives you immediate access to help topics The animated Office Assistant provides help in two ways Type a keyword Ask a question
Getting Help and Exiting Access (cont.) Help window
Getting Help and Exiting Access (cont.) When you are finished working, you are ready to close the object and then the database. Use the Close command on the File menu or the Close Window button on the menu bar. Exit Access Click the Exit command on the File menu or the Close button on the Title bar
Getting Help and Exiting Access (cont.) Close button for Access Close button for database
Getting Help and Exiting Access (cont.) Compact on Close. The Compact on Close feature compacts and repairs your database each time you close it. Click Tools on the menu bar, then click Options Best used when saving a database to your hard drive