Week 2 Vocabulary and Roots Objective: students each week will have 10 vocabulary words and five Greek/Latin preparing for Standardized Testing (ISAT, ACT, PSAT, SAT etc.
Humorist Definition: a person who is skillful in the use of humor, as in writing, talking, or acting. Use it in a sentence
Precisely Definition: being exactly that and neither more nor less Use it in a sentence
Procession Definition: the act of moving along or proceeding in orderly succession or in a formal and ceremonious manner, as a line of people, animals, vehicles, etc. Use it in a sentence
Exhibition Definition: a public display, as of the work of artists or artisans, the products of farms or factories, the skills of performers, or objects of general interest. Use it in a sentence
Sensibility Definition: quickness and acuteness of apprehension or feeling Use it in a sentence
Plausible Definition: having an appearance of truth or reason; seemingly worthy of approval or acceptance; credible; believable Use it in a sentence
Cryptic Definition: mysterious in meaning; puzzling; ambiguous Use it in a sentence
Consciousness Definition: awareness of one's own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings, etc Use it in a sentence
Publicity Definition: extensive mention in the news media or by word of mouth or other means of communication. Use it in a sentence
Earnest Definition: showing depth and sincerity of feeling; full seriousness Use it in a sentence
Roots Root Meaning Strict- draw tight Derm- skin Mar- sea Pseudo- false Phon- sound