Welcome to Year 3!
The Year 3 Curriculum Autumn Spring Summer R.E Autumn Spring Summer R.E Homes, Promises, Visitors Journeys, listening & sharing, Giving all Energy, Choices, Special places Science Plants Light & Astronomy Forces and Magnets Rocks Animals including Humans (Skeleton and movement, health and nutrition) History Stone Age/Iron Age Romans Geography A location in the UK (Lake District) Volcanoes Music Descriptive Sounds Rhythmic Patterns Arrangements Art Investigate art, craft and design using a range of materials and processes, including drawing, painting, print making and textiles. (linked to topics) D.T Shadow Puppets Kite Making Making a healthy soup I.C.T Programming, finding and correcting programs, video, networks, e-safety, data handling. P.E Games Hockey & Netball Gymnastics Tennis & Badminton Dance Games Cricket&Rounders Athletics
Members of staff Me! Mrs. Fagan– Will be assisting me in class daily.
Reading All children have been given a home reader book. Your child will read this book once a week with an adult in school. Your child should read 3 times a week to an adult at home and their reading record should be signed and dated at home by yourselves. These will be checked regularly to ensure that the children are reading at home and making progress through their chosen book. Books should be in school every day and will be changed as and when the children finish them. Children will also complete guided reading sessions every week. These will be concentrating on comprehension of the text, as well as decoding new or unusual words. Now that most children are able to read fluently, it is very important that you ask them questions about what they are reading, to ensure that they understand.
English and Maths Homework English homework will be given on a Wednesday, along with spellings to learn. This must be returned by the following Wednesday, when the spelling test will take place. Homework may be linked to spellings or the work that we have covered in class but sometimes a longer piece of writing or research will be required. Maths will be given on a Friday to be returned by the following Friday. This will take the form of a written worksheet or an online activity. A tables test will also take place on a Wednesday. Children will be made aware of the timetable they are learning that week.
PE P.E. in Year 3 will take place on a Thursday (indoor) and a Friday (outdoor). PE Kits must remain in school and taken home every half term holiday to be washed. On Fridays, as it is outdoor PE, children can bring tracksuits and trainers, depending on the weather. These cannot be left in school, however, due to lack of space. These tracksuits must be sport suitable. We start PE in the first week of each half term, so please ensure that they are returned on the first day back.
Any issues? Please try to ensure that your child is punctual and maintains a high level of attendance. If your child is sick, please inform the office first thing. Can you try to send in a water bottle as this saves on trips to the water fountain! If you wish to speak to the me, if possible please try not to approach me in the morning, as I am sure you can appreciate, I have thirty children to attend to. Instead, inform the office of any messages, or ask the office staff to make an appointment with me. I will be also be available on the playground at the end of each school day. If your child has any medication, including inhalers, please complete a form at the office. Also, ensure that it is clearly labelled.
How you can help? Ensure completion of homework. Read with your child regularly, even if only a few pages. Encourage independent research. Constant practise of the weekly times tables, as this will benefit their mathematical knowledge. Regular practice of the weekly spellings. Practise using time, e.g. reading digital and analogue clocks and durations of journeys, programmes etc. Encourage use of dictionaries for any new words to ensure understanding. Please support children in completing their book reviews and returning them to school when required.
Thank you! www.holyrosaryschool.co.uk This PowerPoint will be available along with any other school information (holiday calendar, curriculum map etc.) from our school website. www.holyrosaryschool.co.uk