1 “ A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON TRADEMARK PROTECTION BETWEEN JAPAN AND MONGOLIA UNDER THE MADRID PROTOCOL” For future development of Trademark Protection in Mongolia by Badarch OYUNTSETSEN Long-Term Research Fellowship April 02 – September 29, 2007
2 Streamline Mongolian trademark law and regulation according to Madrid system Encourage to protect and use of Madrid Protocol in domestic companies Develop International trademark protection system Prepare Trademark examination guidelines Protect Trademarks Protect Trademarks Research purpose
3 Trademark protection rights are territorial in nature National trademark protection is effective only in the territory which the trademark was registered.
4 Companies can no longer be purely national National trademark protection not valid internationally it essential to protect the company ’ s most important resource – its business reputation, goodwill and connection to its customers – in short, its trademarks.
5 Aims: to facilitate the registration of trademarks at the international level to facilitate the management of trademarks after registration Madrid System
6 Normal Route Applicant Rep. Germany.USChinaJapan Franc e Representative s Ger.Eng. Cha. Jap. Fra. MADRID SYSTEM ADVANTAGES Madrid Route Applicant IPOM IB of WIPO GermanyUSChinaJapan France English/French Applicationdate
7 international application basic registration basic application Office of Origin International Bureau Offices of the Designated Contracting Parties Basic procedure
8 Madrid Agreement (1891) : revised 6 times Madrid Protocol (1989) 1 Jan 1995: entry into force 1 Apr 1996 Common Regulations (1996) Administration Instructions (2002) National Laws & Regulations Legal framework
9 Differences of Madrid Agreement and Protocol Agreement Accession States Precondition Basic registration Languages French Fees Supplementary and Complementary Refusal time limits 12 months Dependency 5 years Protocol States +International Organizations Basic registration or Basic application French+ English, Spanish Possibility of individual fee Possibility of 18 months or longer 5 years+ possibility of transformation
10 Madrid Protocol Implementation Japan and Mongolia Japan Accession to the Madrid Protocol March 14, 2000 Mongolia Accession to the Madrid Agreement April 21, 1985 Accession to the Madrid Protocol June 16, 2001
11 Madrid Protocol Implementation Japan Revision of the Trademark Law and Regulations Special provisions due to characteristic of Madrid Protocol Revision of JPO Trademark Examination Manual and guidelines Detailed explanation of Trademark law provisions due to characteristic of Madrid Protocol
12 Madrid Protocol Implementation Japan Declarations: Receipt of special fee, Issuance of a refusal to WIPO within the past 18 months Reduce examination period Prescribe an individual fee
13 (cont ’ d..) Increase trademark examiners dedicated to implementing the Protocol Organize International Trademark Application Division and the Examination Division specifically to handle Protocol applications Publication of International Trademark Application, and the Publication of Registered International Trademark
Trademark applications originating from Japan Trademark applications originating from Japan
15 Trademark applications designating Japan
16 Madrid Protocol Implementation Mongolia Revision of the Trademark Law and Regulations Development of the Electronic Support System Increase trademark examiners Seminar General provisions in Chapter 5 of Trademark and Geographical Indication Extension of examination period
17 Madrid Protocol Implementation Mongolia Adjustment of working procedure, working languages, official forms Few difficulties to cope with any problems that may arise after accession to Madrid Protocol
18 Trademark registration designating to Mongolia ‘85 ‘90 ’95 ’00 ’05 Trademark registration designating to Mongolia Trademark registration designating to Mongolia
19 ’95 ’90 ’85 ’00 ’05 Madrid Agreement 1985 Madrid Protocol 2001 No trademark registration Trademark registration originating Mongolia
21 Opposition to the grant of a trademark Registration Trial examination Written argument Decision to maintain registration Decision of revocation
22 RECOMENDATIONS Legislative Special provisions related to MP characteristic First to file Post registration provisions Procedural International Trademark publication Automation of trademark examination system Trademark examination standard Statement of grant protection Others ….