Fig. 1 Esophageal pressure topography of a patient with myotonic dystrophy, pharyngeal salivary stasis, and esophageal dysphagia. Every 5-mL water swallow was followed by a prominent lower esophageal sphincter after contraction. Peristalsis was intermittent. Note the very low upper esophageal sphincter pressure and the absence of contraction in the proximal esophagus, in relation with myotonic dystrophy. From: Botulinum toxin injection for hypercontractile or spastic esophageal motility disorders: may high-resolution manometry help to select cases? Dis Esophagus. 2015;28(8):735-741. doi:10.1111/dote.12282 Dis Esophagus | © 2014 International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus 1