Unit assignment 3:the making of a horror film By Brandon
Target audience The target audience for this film should be for teenagers between 14-16 the reason why it should be like this is because this film represents teenagers that get into a lot of trouble with random strangers and end up doing bad things with them like drugs or murder etc. The secondary audience would be the parents/guardians and teachers as they can deal with the situation if it was ever to happen. If the film is to long the target audience might lose attention to it but if it’s a short film its easy to access. This film will aim at lower class people to middle class the reason its aimed at these type of people because they are the most vulnerable with this situation as they are not as wealthy as other people and probably aren’t very smart. But this could also be aimed at middle class to upper class people as they don’t know much about the outside world. Also the upper class are less likely to buy it while lower class are more likely to buy it or watch it.
Purpose of the products The reason they are making this is to show how strangers can influence teenagers into doing bad things like joining gangs and doing drugs and even murder. they are doing this so they can show awareness about strangers as they don’t want teenagers being exposed to dangers and they are realising it. on Halloween as kids or teenagers go trick or treating and there are loads of strangers around at that time. And it shows the consequences that happen. When they go with the wrong people. This short film will spread awareness to teenagers rather than adults.
distribution and consumption The company is giving out information about strangers to teenagers to show them some awareness and the target audience are listening and watching so they learn and understand about strangers and what happens when they mix with the wrong people the film will be accessible by social media such as twitter Facebook YouTube and the internet. It could also been shown in schools by teachers and even parents this could help in many ways as loads of people could understand the dangers of strangers.
Task 2
Indiana jones raiders of the lost ark fictional This film is a fictional narrative, the purpose of the film is about an archaeologist who hunts for treasures or discovers things the target audience for this film can be for young children to adults as anyone can enjoy the genre of this film is an action and adventure even a bit of comedy. This is a very straight forward story in this film the main character is a famous actor known as Harrison ford, who has been in star wars and so this fil has a inheritance factor in terms of the audience. The narrative is told to attract people, as the film is in third person as well as first person. The reason this is an action and adventure film Is because of the international setting and places they use and since the film has guns and explosions and the hero or main character saves the day.
Fairy liquid promotional This is a promotional advert the purpose of this advert is to promote the thing they are selling for instance they are promoting fairy liquid they use a women and a child who aren’t very known. The target audience is for women as they are the ones who will wash up at home the reason it is aimed at women because back then the women were the housewives the age for the target audience should be around 18 to 30 . The narrative of this advert is the women washing up with her child, this advert is very straight forward as it has no flash backs and it’s a simple advert. In this advert they stereotype the average women back in the 90s and what they should be doing
Worlds most powerful predator This is a documentary about Siberian tigers the purpose of this documentary is to show the audience what Siberian tigers can do and how they hunt down other animals. The target audience of this documentary should be 16 to 50+ as it could help educational and old people would watch something like this. The narrative of this is a straight linear. The person who is talking is sir David Attenborough he is a very famous tv presenter the genre of tis is a documentary of animals
Task 3
Camerawork In a horror film it is essential to use camera shots as it makes the film more interesting to the audience some camera shots that could work in this are. Close up Medium shot Long shot Panning shot Extreme wide shot
Mise en scene A horror film uses mise en scene in many different situations such as the characters, in horror films they use the stereotypical characters such as the killer and the hero but they also use colour codes they use this to show who is who they use black for the killer as black represents evil and darkness while white represents the good and honest they also might use places and settings for example a haunted house at night. The costumes can depend on anything but the killer should wear a cloak or a hoodie something dark while the other characters like the victims wear something casual and the props can be anything like a knife or a phone.
Editing Most horror films use special effects to make the film more dramatic or scary they use special effects on characters such as the killer they do this to make him more scary or in a different genre they might use cgi to show the car flipping or to create mythical characters for that movie. Fast pace cuts can be used in horror films but not as well as actions or thriller a good example would be the fast and furious franchise as they use fast paste cuts when the characters are racing they cut from one character to the other really quickly they do this to keep the audience entertained. Transitions can be used in horror films to make it slower otherwise it would be to fast.
Sound There are a lot of soundtracks that are used in horror films these can be church bells, owls, bats and more it can also be echoed voices as this helps lift the audiences mood as they are expecting something to happen the music is one of the most important aspects of a film as it helps create a specific mood for the scene the effective use will help create emotion within the audience they use long full suspense's to help create shock to the audience. And when the brass notes which change to high pitch notes to make the audience feel tense. The dialogue in horror films should be a sort of scary voice so they can strike fear into the audience.
Camerawork the 180 rule is used by directors so that the audience doesn’t get confused when watching a movie it shows the camera on one side of the room so the audience know where the camera is A establishing shot usually shows where the movie or next scene is going to be it is usually found at the start of the movie or in the middle even at the end. A two shot has two people in a shot they do this so the audience can see the characters relationship and help the audience understand the relationship
Final destination editing The editing in this film is simple cuts that gradually get faster or slower an example of this would be when the computer sparked and the trail of blood caught fire they changed from the computer to the blood quite fast to show what is happening in each scene. Another effect would be the explosions with the computer after the water effected it and when the house exploded after it was burning. And the trail of the fire they use cgi in one of the scenes where the computer screen explodes and a piece of glass comes out
Mise en scene final destination In this clip the characters wear casual clothes the props used in this film are a mug, knives, a chair, a bottle of vodka and a computer. The setting is in a house at night in the woods. The clothes that the women is wearing are quite dark which shows something bad might happen to her.
Camera shots in the movie wide shot this shot captures everything in one scene Close up to show the characters emotions when something happened or they use this to show an object which is important Two shot they use a two shot here to show two people in the scene
Sound in final destination The sound in final destination is diegetic and non diegetic. When the women in the clip is pouring her drink in the cup there is music that is playing the women is listening to the music in the background this is diegetic sound as the character can hear the noise while the non diegetic is in the background where the audience can only hear an example of this would be when the drops of vodka when into the computer music started to play to build up the suspense which ended up leading to the events
Camerawork In this clip they use loads of shots such as close ups. They use this to either show the characters emotions or an object which is important such as the mug they used a close up on it to show that something is going to happen with the mug but the director also used low angle shots to show the women on the floor as it shows her as weak and stupid and in this certain scene they use a medium shot to capture the women and the knife they do this to show what happened and the pain she is in. They also used a wide and a establishing shot to show the house at the start they do this because it sets the scene they also used this at he end to show what happened to the house after the sad and tragic events.