A whole new ballgame: teaching evidence-based practice in the hospital Darra Ballance & Lindsay Blake Robert B. Greenblatt MD Library Georgia Health Sciences University
Study Objective Contribute to the Magnet Process by instructing hospital nurses in Evidence-Based Practice
Setting/Participants Hospital Nurses and Librarians
Overall participants show an increase Findings Overall participants show an increase in EBP knowledge GHSLA – 6.6% MCG Health – 7.3% Nursing Residents – 8% SC/MLA – 12.7% MLA - 4.7%
Pre-Test & Post-Test Scores
Conclusion Participants found the course applicable to their daily tasks and helpful in gaining knowledge.
Questions? Comments
Darra Ballance, MLIS, AHIP dballance@georgiahealth.edu Lindsay Blake, MLIS, AHIP lblake@georgiahealth.edu