Evidence-Based Practice Articles Carol Lockhart September 2017
(Van Noord & Handler, 2017)
Here is an example of an Evidence-Based Practice article on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). To read the entire article go to: http://library.truman.edu/EBP Example 2.pdf (Simpson, E. & Jones, M.C., 2013.)
To Find EBP Articles You Can Use CINAHL CINAHL stands for Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health. It is a database that contains nursing and allied health journal articles, indexing and abstracts. Some articles are not full text. To Find CINAHL,Go to the Pickler Memorial Library website at http://library.truman.edu
Click on the Databases Tab
Choose Databases A - Z
Choose “C” for CINAHL
This is the basic search screen for CINAHL. Skip it and go to the Advanced Search screen.
This is the CINAHL Advanced Search screen. It has several features that help in finding EBP articles.
Here are the results of the search we did for Evidence-Based Practice articles on COPD. We limited them to the last 10 years. They are also limited so that at least one author is a nurse. This looks like a good article. It has PDF Full Text available online
go to: http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=cin20&AN= I clicked on “PDF Full Text Online”. Here is the article. To read the entire article go to: http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=cin20&AN= 108112054&site=ehost-live (Kirkpatrick, P., Wilson, E. & Wimpenny, P., 2012)
If you want this article you are probably going to have to order it on Interlibrary Loan. Click here to order it. It is free, but takes 3-5 days.
Click here to order the article. It comes to your Truman email.
The computer puts in your name and most of the bibliographic information. If this is your first time placing an ILL request, you will get an introductory screen where you enter in your details (name, email, status), otherwise you will go directly to the request form screen as shown.Then Submit.
Here is the EBP article that you found by searching CINAHL, then ordering it through Interlibrary Loan. You opened it with your Truman email. To read the entire article go to: http://library.truman.edu/ EBP Example 1.pdf (Savin, M. & Pendleton, L., 2010)
Sources used in this tutorial. Kirkpatrick, P., Wilson, E., & Wimpenny, P. (2012). Research to support evidence-based practice in COPD community nursing. British Journal of Community Nursing, 17(10), 486-492. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=cin20&AN=108112054&site=ehost-live . Savin, M., & Pendleton, I. (2010). Taking care of myself: a self care management plan for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Foundation of Nursing Studies Developing Practice Improving Care Dissemination Series, 5(6), 1-4. Retrieved from http://library.truman.edu/EBP Example 1.pdf . Simpson, E., & Jones, M.C. (2013). An exploration of self-efficacy and self-management in COPD patients. British Journal of Nursing, 22(19), 1105. Retrieved from http://library.truman.edu/EBP Example 2.pdf . Van Noord, M., & Handler, L. (2017, July 10). Introduction to evidence-based practice. Retrieved from http://guides.mclibrary.duke.edu/ebmtutorial .
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