Finance Sector Union Norway A short introduction
Who are we? The Finance Sector Union of Norway (Finansforbundet) is a nonpolitical trade union for employees in the finance sector Our members are employees working in banking, insurance, IT, accounting, debt collection, financing, assurance and underwriting The Finance Sector Union of Norway is the only Norwegian trade union with in-depth knowledge and understanding of the finance sector We have 39 000 members in the sector and 1100 company representatives
Our mission To develop the Norwegian financial sector One of our main tasks is to contribute to a sustainable development of the Norwegian financial sector with measures that benefit employees, employers and society as a whole.
Our vision To create the most attractive workplaces in Norway In cooperation with the employers, we aim to advance the position of Norwegian financial employees that will benefit both the employees and the sector
Our values The Finance Sector Union is /and shall aim to be Innovating, brave, dynamic and knowledgeable on behalf of our members
Benefits of membership As a member of the Finance Sector Union-Norway you will get Expert advice on work related issues and knowledge of your rights as an employee Favourable services and network opportunities
Our brand Opportunities and influence As a member of the Finance Sector Union of Norway, I will have the best opportunity to contribute to the development of my own work life and to develop the future of the Norwegian financial sector
How to become a member