WORKERS REPRESENTATION differences and similarities
workers representation directive 2002/14 : general framework for informing and consulting employees in the European Community 20 20 20 public & private companies whether or not operating for gain 50
workers representation directive 2002/14 : definitions information transmission of data to enable representatives to acquaint themselves with the subject and to examine it at such time, in such fashion and with such content to enable an adequate study and prepare for consultation consultation exchange of views and establishment of dialogue timing, method and content must be appropriate representatives must be able to meet the employer and obtain a response to their opinion, and the reasons for that response with a view to reaching an agreement
workers representation directive 2002/14 : competences situation, structure and probable development of employment recent and probable development of activities and economic situation confidentiality substiantial changes in work organisation of contractual relations relations practical arrangements protection, judicial procedures, sanctions, works council, members... see transposition into national law and industrial relations practices
workers representation works council comité d’entreprise Betriebsrat SYNDICAT UNION GEWERKSCHAFT VAKBOND
workers representation
workers representation chair
workers representation
workers representation board level representation
workers representation public Publik
workers representation group works council
workers representation possible möglich
workers representation FACKLIGA LO-S TCO SACO status / statut social Statut profession Beruf TUC GMB, UNISON UNITE - THE UNION (58) UNION ASzSz, LIGA, MOSz MSzOSz, SZEF, ÉSZT SZAKSZERVEZETI CGT CGT-FO CFDT CFTC UNSA CGC SUD politics / politique / Politik philosophy / philosophie / Philosophie UNION SYNDICAT GEWERKSCHAFT LO SYNDICAT ÖGB GPA-DJP GÖD, GdG GBH, vida GDF PRO-GE GEWERKSCHAFT sector secteu r Sekto r
workers representation > 55 % 45 - 55 % 35 - 45 % 15 - 35 % < 15 % UNION SZAKSZERVEZETI
workers representation AMMATTILIITTO UNION SENDIKA AMETIÜHING National Regional Industry Sektor Branche Company Company Betrieb Betrieb Entreprise Entreprise
workers representation national industry company most important level of collective bargaining le niveau le plus important pour les négociations collectives wichtigste Ebene der Verhandlungen
workers representation link between the European and the national level directive 94/45 without prejudice to employees’ existing rights to information and consultation under national law members of the EWC shall inform the representatives of the establishments or the workforce as a whole of the content and outcome of the information and consultation procedure directive 2009/38 the agreement shall determine linking European/national level if no such arrangements : both levels must be informed and consulted EWC informed before or at the same time
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