Lenin, Stalin and a Totalitarian Government
Russian Civil War After the Bolshevik Revolution, a civil war broke out in Russia between the Reds and Whites. Reds: communists Whites: counter revolutionists loyal to the Czar Each side used brutal tactics. The Whites sought aid from the Allied powers Reds organized the Cheka, a communist secret police which would execute ordinary citizens suspected of taking action against the revolution. Lenin pulled Russia out of WWI. Lenin adopted a policy of War Communism: government took over the banks, mines, factories and railroads. Peasants were forced into military service or factory work to support the military.
The Reign of Lenin 1922: Communists established a constitution that seemed both democratic and socialist Set up an elected legislature, The Supreme Soviet All citizens 18 and over could vote All means of production, resources and power would belong to the state Established the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics AKA The Soviet Union
New Economic Policy Between not being able to industrialize, WWI and 2 civil wars, Russia’s economy was distraught Due to this need, Lenin allows for some capitalist ventures to be made. This is part of his New Economic Policy Government kept control of banks, foreign trade and large industries Small businesses were allowed to reopen for a small private profit.
Stalin Takes Over 1924 Lenin dies and leaves a vacuum of power. Main contenders are Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky Trotsky was a brilliant Marxist thinker while Stalin was a shrewd politician that often operated without remorse. Stalin comes out on top and implements a command economy Government make all basic economic decisions Government owned all businesses and allocated financial and other resources
Russia under Stalin: A Totalitarian State Stalin turns Russia into a totalitarian state A one party dictatorship attempts to rule every aspect of the lives of its citizens. Took harsh steps to insure obedience among the people: Violent Secret Police Purges of dissenters (executions) Censorship Terror Nothing appeared in print without government approval Critics were rounded up and sent to labor camps
More Aspects of a totalitarian government Propaganda Bombarded the public with relentless propaganda Loudspeakers blared into villages and factories Movies depicted the successes of communism War on Religion Abiding to the ideas of Marx, the Soviet Union officially declared the country an atheist: the belief that there is no god Targeted the Russian Orthodox Church Many church leaders were killed or died in prison camps
Propaganda Posters
Soviet Propaganda "Long Live World October [revolution]!" A poster of the Russian Civil War, 1918-1922 says: Long Live World October [revolution]! The workers conquered power in Russia and will conquer power in the entire world.
Soviet Propaganda "The Motherland Is Calling!" A 1941 poster for the World War II
Soviet Propaganda
Assignment Describe the common theme throughout Soviet propaganda posters. Explain how the aspects of Lenin’s and later Stalin’s style of government necessitated propaganda.