Third Sector Public Partnership (TSPP)
The role of civil society in Malmö Approximately 84 percent of the population of Malmö are members in a civil society organization Approximately 52 percent of all adults in Malmö do nonprofit work for a civil society organization Approximately 3200 people in Malmö are employed within the civil society sector
What is a third sector public partnership? A model for cooperation A model for cooperation built on dialogue, transparency and mutual trust Civil society and public sector creating partnership A model for cooperation between the civil and public sectors A model for cooperation which departs from the traditional client - performer relationship, and instead creates conditions that enable working together on more equal terms
Why Third Sector Public Partnerships? Provide better conditions for civil society to contribute to societal development An alternative when neither traditional forms for grants nor procurement suit the objective Part of a broader development of forms of cooperation with civil society Provide better conditions for civil society to contribute to societal development
Criteria that must be met The activities/projects take place at the initiative of the non-profit organization The activities/projects are part of efforts to realize a policy, plan or vision The project is not regulated in detail by the public sector A market or a competitive situation does not exist.
The Malmö - experience Political initiative in 2015 Question: Can we initiate Third Sector Public Partnerships within the employment sector? Answer: YES, WE CAN! ….although our legal advisers were hesitant in the beginning…. Department of Labour Market, Upper Secondary School and Adult Education - signed six Third Sector Public Partnerships (TSPP) Creating long-term arrangements for the organizations, complement the city's labor market initiatives and create a collegial exchange between the public sector and the organizations In 2015 and 2016 the Department of Labour Market, Upper Secondary School and Adult Education has signed Third Sector Public Partnerships (TSPP) with six civil society organizations in Malmö. Besides putting more Malmö residents to work, the purpose is to create long-term arrangements for the organizations, complement the city's labor market initiatives and create a collegial exchange between the public sector and the organizations
Third Sector Public Partnerships in Malmö
Target groups: Young adults (16-24 years) and people in long term uneployment (16-64 years) Activities: language skills, matching –events, internships, mentorships, treatment (PTSD) Timeline: 2 years with possible prolongation Costs: approx. 140 000 Euro per partnership/year Evaluation each year Sharing of knowledge and experiences on a regulary basis
The results so far Learning experience Mutual exchange (city-organisation, organisation-organisation) The statistics… it works…