Remote Patient Monitoring Update Brian Reinhold
Remote Patient Monitoring: Main Local Sensor Data Consumer/ Device Observation Reporter weight scale Observation upload SOAP Observation upload hData pulse oximeter PCHA glucometer BP cuff Sensor Data Source(s) Device Observation Consumer/Content Creator Translate to PCD01; handle time, add patient name, identifier, affinity domain Translate to PHMR; add information for universal realm header XDSb Provide and Register Content Consumer
Remote Patient Monitoring: 1 Content Consumer a Content Consumer b Sensor Data Consumer/ Device Observation Reporter Pulse oxim weight BP cuff Glucometer SDSs Local PCHA XDSb XDSb PCD01 translation Observation upload SOAP Observation upload hData Sensor Data Consumer/ Device Observation Reporter Pulse oxim weight BP cuff Glucometer SDSs Local PCHA Device Observation Consumer/ Content Creator PCD01 translation Sensor Data Consumer/ Device Observation Reporter Pulse oxim weight BP cuff Glucometer SDSs Local PCHA Translate to PHMR; add information for universal realm header PCD01 translation
Remote Patient Monitoring - Update: 1 Content Consumer a Content Consumer b Sensor Data Consumer/ Device Observation Reporter Pulse oxim weight BP cuff Glucometer SDSs Local PCHA Observation upload SOAP Observation upload hData Observation upload FHIR XDSb FHIR PCD01, FHIR translation Sensor Data Consumer/ Device Observation Reporter Pulse oxim weight BP cuff Glucometer SDSs Local PCHA Device Observation Consumer/ Content Creator PHMR, FHIR PCD01, FHIR translation Sensor Data Consumer/ Device Observation Reporter Pulse oxim weight BP cuff Glucometer SDSs Local PCHA Translate to FHIR; add information for Patient Resource Translate to PHMR; add information for universal realm header PCD01, FHIR translation
PCHA E2E: Model 1 Repository a Repository b Local PAN HRN HRN Local PHG Pulse oxim weight BP cuff Glucometer Devices Local PAN HRN HRN PHG Pulse oxim weight BP cuff Glucometer Devices Local PAN Observation upload H&FS Platform PHG Pulse oxim weight BP cuff Glucometer Devices Local PAN
Remote Patient Monitoring: 2 Device - AHD Device Observation Source/ Sensor Data Consumer Device Observation Reporter Observation upload SOAP Observation upload hData Sensor(s) Device Observation Consumer/Content Creator Format as PCD01; handle time, add patient name, identifier, affinity domain Translate to PHMR; add information for universal realm header XDSb Provide and Register Content Consumer
Remote Patient Monitoring- Update: 2 Device - PHG Observation upload SOAP Observation upload hData Observation upload FHIR Device Observation Source/ Sensor Data Consumer Device Observation Reporter Sensor(s) Device Observation Consumer/Content Creator Format as PCD01; handle time, add patient name, identifier, affinity domain Translate to PHMR/FHIR; add information for universal realm header Content Consumer FHIR resources: REST XDSb Provide and Register
PCHA E2E: Model 2 Device (no PHG) Observation upload Internal PAN Sensor(s) H&FS Platform HRN Repository
Remote Patient Monitoring: 3 Device Observation Source/ Sensor Data Consumer Device Observation Consumer/ Content Creator Content Creator Sensor(s) Format as PHMR; add information for universal realm header, synchronize and coordinate time Content Consumer XDSb Provide and Register Doc.
Remote Patient Monitoring - Update: 3 Device Observation Source/ Sensor Data Consumer Device Observation Consumer/ Content Creator Content Creator Sensor(s) Format as PHMR/FHIR; add information for universal realm header, synchronize and coordinate time or Patient Resource Content Consumer FHIR resources: REST XDSb Provide and Register
Internal Observation upload PCHA E2E: Model 3 Device (no PHG, no H&FS) Internal PAN Internal Observation upload Device Sensor(s) Repository HRN
Remote Patient Monitoring: 4 Local pulse oximeter weight scale BP cuff glucometer SDSs Sensor Data Consumer/ Device Observation Reporter Device Observation Consumer/ Content Creator PCHA Translate to PHMR; add information for universal realm header and times Content Consumer XDSb Provide and Register
Remote Patient Monitoring - Update: 4 Local pulse oximeter weight scale BP cuff glucometer SDSs Sensor Data Consumer/ Device Observation Reporter Device Observation Consumer/ Content Creator PCHA Translate to PHMR/FHIR; add information for universal realm header and times or Patient Resource Content Consumer FHIR resources: REST XDSb Provide and Register
Internal Observation upload PCHA E2E: Model 4 PHG, no H&FS Local pulse oximeter weight scale BP cuff glucometer Devices PHG Internal Observation upload PHG PAN Repository HRN