Where did they come from? How did they get here? Who were they? Earliest Americans
Migration from Asia Migration == movement of people or animals from one place to another
Cross Bering Land Bridge More Migration Cross Bering Land Bridge Sea level fell & was easy to cross People travelled from Asia south through Canada continued south through US & South America
Map of Migration
People Adapted to Environment Hunted animals Grow food Developed culture people with common values, language, traditions, religions, etc..
Early American Empires Olmec Maya Aztec Incas
First civilization in Mesoamerica Olmec First civilization in Mesoamerica Located in present day Mexico Built first pyramids in Americas
Maya Lived in small villages Grew food>>> maize (corn) Had large pyramids & stone temples Built canals for water irrigation Early form of writing Lived in present- day Mexico
Aztec Fierce warriors Largest city of Tenochtitlan (in present day Mexico) Practiced human sacrifices Written language Forced tribes they conquered to pay taxes to them
Inca Lived in Andes Mountains Empire stretched along Pacific Coast of South America Known for massive buildings & forts Paved roads & rope bridges to connect all locations Carved terraces out of mountains to farm
Locations of Empires