GCE Applied ICT G053: Lesson 05 Website Development Stages Mr C Johnston
Learning Outcome Understand the different stages required to develop a website Create a plan of your time between now and the hand in date in order to complete your work
Developing A Website When developing a website we follow the stages in the system lifecycle in order to complete it...... Identify Outline of the problem Evaluate Refining the system Analyse The needs of the system System life cycle Test Making sure the system works Design Planning all parts of the system Implement Creating the system
Stages Identification of Problem Analysis Design Implementation Structure Storyboard Implementation Graphics Contents Coding Testing Different browsers, platforms and resolutions Evaluation
Gantt Chart Used within project management to plan an entire project Shows all the tasks required to complete the project and the order they need to go in Indicates which tasks can be worked on at the same time
Creating A Simple Gantt Chart for G053 Use Excel Put tasks down the first column in order of completion Place dates as column headers Shade in cell when task to be completed – span multiple dates if applicable
Activity Make a list of all the tasks you need to undertake in order to complete your website – use the system lifecycle and the assignment to help Using your task list create a Gantt chart to show the order which tasks will be completed and time allocation REMEMBER to leave space under your Gantt chart to make comments about how your work is progressing and to reschedule tasks if there are any major problems START DATE: Tuesday 12th September END DATE: Monday 26rd March