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Hurricane The hurricane is attraction italian goes up and down at high speed shocks accompanied by a loud sound that simulates a hurricane. In this attraction visitors enjoy the feeling of emptiness and dizziness in a circular route that takes about 3 minutes Hurricane HURRICANE
Roller Coaster attraction very traditional European, 5-story roller coaster featuring a solo tour for 4 people per car at high speed, is the second attraction in the ranking of preferences. Never get tired of hop on Roller coaster
Bumper Cars The Cars bumper are an attraction for young and old in which you will have fun crashing to teammates. BUMPER CARS BUMPER CARS
Spider New Italian attraction offering a dizzying experience at high altitudes. The visitor is seated with a safety harness on the chest while turning on its axis while each of his arms also rotates on itself. Spectacular experience you will not get tired of repeating! Great attraction which rotates exponentially, like a wheel at full speed to enjoy worldwide.
MUSIC EXPRESS Family attraction a quick tour back and forth animated by a DJ and music of the moment. Visitors experience the feeling the turns and speed. This attraction is composed of 20 cars with capacity to serve 800 customers per hour approx.
Super Loop Fire Ball The fire ball or super loop is a roller coaster type attraction. Its main structure is a ring, which is circulating in a vertical position, and in which are located the vehicle passengers. It provides a sense of vertigo and extreme speed with 360 degree spins
PIRATE SHIP Attraction called pirate ship is mainly composed of (4) pins, which are attached on top of the attraction means of a shaft which allows an oscillating motion.
Torre Super Shot This attraction offers 12 passengers in his car vertical free fall of about 27 Meters Unlimited Adrenaline! Torre Super Shot Torre Super Shot
TATOO Shop dedicated to make temporary tattoos A temporary tattoo is an image on the skin resembling a real tattoo, but it is permanente.Los temporary tattoos can be drawn, painted, or airbrushed, as a form of body painting
FIRE BALL iIs a carnival or amusement park consisting of an upright wheel with gondolas, simple cabins or seats attached to the edge, which works by hydraulic pumps rotating around a horizontal axis perpendicular to the plane of the wheel