Feedback from the Working Group Scott and Trevor Fast-track Feedback from the Working Group Scott and Trevor
What is Fast-track? What happened at Winterbourne View shocked everyone. ‘Transforming Care’ is a plan to change things. Nottinghamshire is one of the Fast-track areas who will try the plan first.
Who does this affect? People with challenging behaviour, who have: a learning disability autism
at the Listening Day Georgina told us about Fast-track and asked: What is it like for people who have to go into hospital because of their mental health or behaviour? How can community services support people better so they do not have to go into hospital?
At the working group We looked at all the ideas from the Listening day We decided the most important messages for Georgina and the SPLAT Board
Important messages Getting stories from people Could be difficult – ‘stigma’, do people know this is about them? Meet people and carers with these experiences – (this didn’t apply to people at the Listening Day).
Important messages How can community services get better? Know where to go if you can’t cope Support for families Get rid of the ‘stigma’ and help people understand about mental health and people with a learning disability Have more training in person-centred support.
Important messages How can SPLAT be involved? Ask how the Board can support the project Always have a rep or feedback from Fast Track at Board meetings.
Our questions to the Board How can the SPLAT Board support Fast-track? How can we help the project link with people who know what it is like?