Educational Workshops 2015 Viral infections in the immunocompromised; illustrated by cases from the transplant setting QUIZ We are grateful to Suzy Fitzgerald, Consultant Microbiologist, St Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin for compiling this quiz.
Q1. How many solid organ transplants are carried out per year in the UK? 2,000 4,500 8,000 9,500
Q1 Answer. Solid organ transplants April 2013-March 2014 4,655 Heart 206 Lung 218 Bowel 26 Liver 924 Pancreas 261 Kidney 3257
Q2. When was the first successful transplant? 1905 1954 1967 1983
Q2 Answer. First successful transplant Cornea in 1905 Kidney 1954 Heart 1967 Liver 1967 Bone marrow 1968 Pancreas 1968 Lung 1983 Hand 1998
Q3. Who are they and what transplant did they have?
Q3 Answer Lucy Davis, actress in The Office Kidney, 1997 Dick Cheney, US Vice-President Heart, 2004 Jonah Lomu, rugby player, New Zealand Kidney, 2004 Steve Jobs, CEO, Apple Liver, 2004 Larry Hagman, ‘JR’ in Dallas Liver, 1995 Wayne Rooney, footballer, Man United Hair 2011