Hosting a Study Club with Nobel Biocare Distribution Partners Placeholder Distributor Logo type
Sponsoring& Logistics Contents Placeholder Distributor Logo type This slide set outlines the Study Club concept applied by Nobel Biocare’s local partners with the support of Nobel Biocare and the benefits and responsibilities of hosting one. It explains the support that is provided to the “Study Club Hosts”, which makes this role particularly rewarding and fun. The slide set’s contents is as follows: Study Club Concept Benefits The Host’s Role Sponsoring& Logistics TheSupport offered Possible Themes
Placeholder Distributor Logo type What is a Study Club? Placeholder Distributor Logo type Study Clubs are a structured series of educational meetings organized by clinicians for clinicians with the support of Nobel Biocare’s local partner. Study Clubs foster contact and knowledge exchange between clinicians in an open, interactive environment. Study Clubs offer members the opportunity to share helpful techniques, treatment concepts and explore advanced procedures. Study Clubs can choose to bring in guest lecturers and collaborate on difficult cases.
The basic Study Club set up Placeholder Distributor Logo type Study Clubs are led and organized by a Study Club Host with the support and guidance of a Sales Representative of Nobel Biocare’s local partner. A Study Club meeting usually lasts around two hours. They ideally take place several times a year. The structure and contents of the Study Club is determined by the Study Club Host in collaboration with his/her Sales Representative of Nobel Biocare’s local partner.
Why should you host a Study Club? Placeholder Distributor Logo type Benefits for the Study Club Host Develop a well-educated, motivated and loyal network. Increase your patient flow and improve the patient treatment quality/consistency across your network. Strengthen your influence within the dental community and widen your referral network. Benefits for Study Club Members Increase their knowledge and skills concerning products and material, treatment procedures, advanced techniques and emerging dental concepts. Learn about practice management and development. Network and collaborate closely with colleagues. Create new business opportunities and synergies within the Study Club network.
Your role as a Study Club Host Placeholder Distributor Logo type Decide what the structure and modalities of your Study Club will be with the support of your Sales Representative: Topics. Clinical or scientific focus. The level of contribution by members. Invite a group of colleagues to become members of your Study Club. Plan the Study Club meetings thoroughly and send out information to participants with enough lead time. Act as a mentor to the Study Club members. Follow-up with the Study Club members throughout the year to ensure that every meeting is well attended.
The support you will receive Placeholder Distributor Logo type Your Sales Representative can help you organize your Study Club by: giving advice on structure and content. offering logistical support. Your Sales Representative will provide content for your meetings: relevant presentations (see the themes on slides 8-11). organize external speakers if requested. Your Sales Representative will attend all of your Study Club meetings. During the meetings, he/she can: present insights and news about Nobel Biocare product and service solutions. moderate hands-on training sessions.
Sponsoring & Logistics Placeholder Distributor Logo type Sponsoring: Study Clubs can be sponsored by Nobel Biocare’s local partner. The scope and scale of such sponsoring depends on what is appropriate in your market. Check the budget that has been allocated to your Study Club with your Sales Representative. Location: Meetings will mainly be held at your dental office. If this is not possible, choose a venue that suits the number of members and market conventions. Technology: Depending on local resources and availability, you local Nobel Biocare partner can provide technical support and resources Food: Can be provided during Study Club meetings, depending on the norm in your market. Tuition: If appropriate, you can charge a small tuition to cover part of the cost