SEM II 2.02 notes a. Discuss the need for a sponsorship agreement.


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Presentation transcript:

SEM II 2.02 notes a. Discuss the need for a sponsorship agreement. b. Explain the purposes of sponsorship agreements. c. Describe the components of a sponsorship agreement. d. Demonstrate procedures for preparing a sponsorship agreement.

The Need for Sponsorships Sponsorship proposals are the means to raise money for an organization/individual event, campaigns, marketing programs, etc. Sponsorships also benefit the sponsor in a way that his brand is publicized and gets due recognition.

Cont. The companies/benefactors who use sponsorships may range from charity organizations, regular/normal business organizations, artists to sports persons. In short, anyone in need of funds is termed as a benefactor.

Writing a Sponsorship Proposal It is advised to perform an exhaustive research on the history, domain area and related information of the sponsor before you approach. Newspapers, the company website, magazines, etc., should provide you with enough information about the sponsor.

Here are few important factors to consider while preparing a proposal Here are few important factors to consider while preparing a proposal. 1. The sponsorship proposal template should incorporate basic information about your organization. Providing enough information about the target audience and the way you would make them reach the potential sponsor will raise interest in your proposal.

2. Image association is an important point to be considered while preparing a sponsorship template; it is the bonding between the sponsor's brands or company name with that of the image of event or program that is of importance. This kind of association provides credibility to the products/services of the sponsor.

3. Setting up of objectives which can help provide tangible benefits to the sponsor is of utmost importance. This way, the sponsor gets a clear idea as to how is he going to benefit by sponsoring your program.

Sponsorship Proposal Template A sponsorship proposal should cover the points given below. This is not a standard format for preparing a sponsorship proposal. You may add more sections and/or information depending on the nature of your work and functioning of the organization.

Executive Summary: It is the first point that needs to be addressed in a sponsorship proposal. The executive summary presents before the sponsor, precise points/reasons as to why should they support your organization.

Information about Company Background: This section needs to be made interesting to read. It should present strong points about the benefactor's company. Presenting information pertaining to accomplishments, expertise, experience, etc., helps you gain the trust of the sponsor. The information should present precisely the reason why the sponsor should trust you.

Project Information: This section is crucial from the point of advertising the project/sponsorship program. In this section, the sponsor's point of view is given importance; the benefits that can be received by the sponsor are included in the section.

Market Information: Detailed information about the market that is collected by the benefactor, should be presented in this part of the document. It gives the sponsor an idea of the target audience he/she could reach through the event/program. The information should incorporate details about income levels of the audience, their addresses, educational details, etc.

Pitch: Include the price of sponsorship Pitch: Include the price of sponsorship. Financial needs of the benefactor should be clearly presented in the section. Other details to be included are the period of project, due dates of payment, and details pertaining to sponsorship hierarchy.

List of Benefits: A detailed account of all the benefits that a sponsor receives from the deal are provided in this section. One should keep in mind that benefits/offers made in section are subject to change. Remember the sponsorship agreement should benefit both the sponsor and the sport/event being sponsored.

Plan for Marketing: Measures undertaken by the benefactor to promote the program/project are enlisted in this part of the document. Include detailed information about the sponsors marketing rights.

Summary: It is the last and most important part of the sponsorship proposal. The information in this section includes the list of board of directors, current sponsors of the company, media clippings, etc.

To create a winning sponsorship proposal, it is necessary to conduct exhaustive research and present the information in a manner that is appealing. The sponsorship proposal template presented above provides you with necessary details for preparing a good proposal. Resource