The Flexible 5 Day Offer
What have we done? Developed a strong local offer in Calderdale for those young people living in Calderdale with Special Educational Needs aged Post 18
Aims of the offer To be person centred and offer key worker support To provide positive transitions from school To complement local college timetable To support young people with their personal development To help young people build confidence To assist young people to develop independent living skills and travelling skills People can get help to find out about various activities including: Sports, arts, cooking, paid work, volunteering, social activities, and many more
Details for last year Introduced in June 2016 for courses commencing September 2016 In the first year we have worked with: 3 students from Ryburn High School 5 students from Ravenscliffe All students have attended courses at Calderdale Adult Learning (CAL) on their days off from their college timetables, attended leisure activities, participated in volunteering opportunities or gone on to enjoy positive part-time employment
This year…. Introduced a summer school during the holidays Lots more students participating, taking the total up to 35 who have received support/signposting Staff have been attending schools and events to discuss the offer with young people and families Includes links with Project SEARCH
What can The Five Day Offer include? Meeting students and parents: At school and at home during their final term at school, getting to know their plans, needs and hopes for the future and inviting them to take part in Taster Sessions at Calderdale Adult Learning.
Arranging activities during the summer holidays Examples: Ignite Day at Calderdale College (this year it will be held on August 17th) Sports facilities at North Bridge Leisure Centre Trips to Hardcastle Craggs and along the Rochdale Canal Trips to Huddersfield Art Gallery and Bankfield Museum Social meet-ups in Halifax and Sowerby Bridge
Creating links to Calderdale Adult Learning Including: Inviting students, parents and carers to Open Days, Taster Sessions and coffee mornings Inviting students to sign up to new and existing courses both specialist and mainstream Working with students to strengthen their independence and confidence in key life skills including travel Obtaining new qualifications
Creating stronger links between various agencies in Calderdale Including: Calderdale College Calderdale Adult Learning Calderdale and Kirklees Careers Scope The Orange Box Creative Minds, Lead the Way Gig Buddies Project SEARCH
Key success stories D has attended two full days at CAL for over six months whilst studying Level 1 Animal Care at Calderdale College. His courses include cookery, craft, gardening and art. He was an ambassador for CAL at the recent Local Offer event at the Shay Stadium; has become an independent traveller and appears to be more confident, happy and mature. “He seems so much happier. Three years ago I didn’t think there would be a future. He’s like living a normal life. His health is better, his diet. I can’t believe he eats peas and carrots now. He comes home and does his own cooking every night. D does all the recycling now at home.”
Key success stories A is progressing onto his Level 2 Art and Design course at Kirklees College and attends two afternoon art sessions at CAL. He is now able to travel independently by bus and will be exhibiting his art work at Elland Library in June as part of a new CAL initiative for learners with a learning disability. He has also exhibited at Calderdale Open Art Competition at Bankfield Museum. “Totally useful, productive and helpful concept, which is not about finding something for A to do for a few hours, but it is about actually teaching him and helping him develop. And he has learned and developed.”
Key success stories G regularly attends CAL courses on his day off from studying Employability and Life Skills at Calderdale College. He now travels independently by taxi and is currently enjoying eight weeks Work Experience at Flutter-bites Café in Manor Heath Park, Halifax. Links to Springboard Plus at Ravenscliffe have been a very welcome addition to the Five Day Offer.
Key success stories S currently enjoys a full day at CAL, travels by taxi and is fast becoming more independent, sociable and decisive. We have helped him gain employment experience in the voluntary sector. “Summer School helped provide continuity for S, essential for the wellbeing of an autistic person. It was lovely for him to be able to spend time away from us and with people he not only knows, but actually is very fond of, staff included. He benefits from the secure feeling he gets from being in that environment, and always enjoys the course content. It's a very much appreciated resource.”
Key to The Five Day Offer’s success The key to The Five Day Offer’s success lies with its highly flexible and personalised approach: we take care to ensure that we listen to each and every student (plus their parents/carers) so that an individualised plan is put in place. We also keep in regular contact throughout the first year. Several of the initial cohort have extended their courses at CAL and/or are enjoying employment opportunities during their second year.
Thank You Any Questions Thank You Any Questions? Julie Killey Acting Head of Service Commissioning and Partnerships