Welcome to our Key Stage 2 SATs Evening 2016/2017
This evenings content Introduction Timetable Location Access arrangements /absence Teacher assessment English Reading SAT English SPaG SATs Writing assessments Mathematics SATs Reporting arrangements Your questions
End of Key Stage 2 Assessments Take two forms: Teacher Assessments SATs This information is shared with the pupils, yourselves, high schools and the local authority.
Teacher Assessment Part of teaching and learning in the classroom Takes account of achievement in a range of contexts, including pupil work, observations and discussions. Final decisions about the ‘attainment’ of every child in English, Mathematics and Science are made in May and submitted to Local Authority. We may be moderated
English & Maths Teacher Assessment All pupils are given a ‘grade’ for: •Reading •Writing •Speaking and Listening Number Geometry Statics Measurement
Testing Arrangements
SATs Preparation Throughout the year, pupils will take some past SATs papers in reading and maths . Maths papers are returned to pupils so they can be reviewed with parents/carers. Completed Reading Tests are less useful at home. Maths & Spelling, punctuation and grammar revision booklets provided.
The lead up… Balance : and between providing practise using past test papers which help to familiarise children with layout, question types, vocabulary use and timings (although these are not quite as useful now that the new curriculum is introduced), and continuing to teach the skills/knowledge needed in an interesting curriculum.
Key Stage 2 Statutory Tests Provisional Timetable 2017 Monday 8th May Tuesday 9th Wednesday 10th Thursday 11th Friday 12th Reading test One hour Grammar and Punctuation 45 minutes Arithmetic test 30 minutes Mathematics Reasoning Test Reserved for science testing if school is selected. Spelling Test Approx. 20 minutes There are no level 6 tests for higher attaining pupils. We are advised that the test papers will include questions for the most able pupils.
Location Key Stage 2 hall Whole school timetable fits in with SATs timetable Individual desks Small mascots Hayfever Tissues, water, glasses, inhalers
SATs week Please ensure your child is in school. Breakfast club 4 days If your child is ill, speak to the Year 5/6 team in school, Head/Deputy. Toilet breaks, nose bleeds, etc.
Access arrangements/absence/ rumours! Rest breaks Scribe Special consideration Additional time Reader for maths, elements of SPaG Absence / Timetable variation Separate rooms Rumours!
SATs Reading Test - Mrs Sharkey 1 hour Read and answer at own pace – time management skills will be developed Three texts (fiction and non-fiction) not always linked by a theme. The least demanding text will come first with the following texts increasing in level of difficulty.
The Importance of Reading Up to the age of 8 or 9, the texts which children read will contain mostly those words which a child of that age would use in their spoken vocabulary. If a child does not read regularly after that age, their vocabulary will not develop sufficiently to be able to access the texts used in English lessons.
Reading at home – Very important Variety of text types : Stories, poems, reports, recounts, articles, non fiction texts Ask a range of questions: Information retrieval, analysis, expression of own opinion backed up by reasons or evidence from the text. Practise skimming and scanning
‘Games’ to play Skimming and scanning Ask a range of questions: Information retrieval, analysis, expression of own opinion backed up by reasons or evidence from the text.
Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation test. DfE want to ensure primary school children are confident in using grammar, punctuation and spelling and want schools to focus on teaching these skills. School have purchased a set of revision books for every Year 6 pupil.
Writing Miss Robinson Writing is NOT tested. Evidence is taken from a breath of pupils written work across all curriculum subjects. Writing evidence can also include pupil responses to practise tests, for example, punctuation and grammar. Moderation.
Mathematics Test Mr Llewellyn 3 Tests Paper 1 Arithmetic Test Up to 36 questions / 40 marks Duration: 30 minutes Paper 2 Reasoning Test Up to 25 questions / 40 marks Duration: 45 minutes Paper 3 Reasoning Test
Results Pupils score a raw mark. Converted into a ‘scaled score’ A score of 100 is National Standard – Secondary ready. Some pupils will be ‘above’, some ‘at expected’, and some below 100. 73% of last years cohort attained 100 whereas, 90% of pupils attained previous national expectation of Level 4
Reporting arrangements Your child’s end of year report, will contain your child’s test and teacher assessment results. It is anticipated that Reading, SPaG and Maths Test results– pupils will be reported as ‘At expected’ or not. Writing (teacher assessment) pupils will be reported as ‘Working at greater depth’, ‘At expected’, ‘Working towards’ or ‘Below working towards’.
Remember Your child is already familiar with test type questions. We revise all areas of the core subjects pre test. The tests will only establish how well your child performs ‘on the day’ Secondary schools take notice of teacher assessments, SATs results and scaled scores.
However, we know … Your child will want to do their best A good result at the end of primary schooling gives confidence for starting secondary school You want to help them as much as you can. Children that do not attain a score of 100 will no longer be retested at secondary school.
Finally … ‘Down time’ and plenty of sleep and relaxation is important during SATs. After the Easter break, we focus more on preparation for SATs - to re-activate knowledge in a wide range of areas– this is vital time, so make sure children are in school please. Any problems during test week – please contact school as soon as possible. Any questions…?
Thank you for coming Revision materials are on view for you to peruse.