INTERREG and Tacis budgets Main differences: No breakdown of the Tacis budget between the partners is required; No strict limits for the project management costs, sub- contracting, principle of “common sense” is applied (about 15-20% for management, up to 50% for sub-contracting, except investment projects); No overheads can be included in the staff/office costs, the only possibility for overheads – administrative costs Co-financing can be provided not only by Tacis partners
Contribution and Co-financing for Tacis Contribution – monetary participation of partners in the Tacis project, can be further reimbursed from the EC grant. Contributing partners sign Partnership Statements. Co-financing – non-reimbursable monetary contribution to the Tacis project provided by any of the following entities:
Co-financing for Tacis Can be provided by: Tacis Financial Lead Partner Other Tacis partners European Institutions other than EC (e.g. EU Parliament, European Central bank, etc.) EU Member States (governmental structures of the EU MS) Any other donors (UNDP, USAID, commercial enterprises, etc.) Co-financing entities must sign Co-financing Statements If co-financing provided by European Institution/EU MS/Donor, the funds should be transferred to the Lead Partner/other Tacis partner bank account and then spent by Lead Partner/other Tacis partner
Co-financing for Tacis The minimum rate of co-financing is calculated from the total cost of the Tacis project, (EC grant + co-financing); No rules on distribution of co-financing between the Tacis partners; Steps to define the minimum co-financing rate are as follows: What we are going to do as Tacis project? How much will it cost? How much of this total cost we can pay out of our own /our donors’ pocket? How much do we need from the Commission? Does our share of co-financing fit the requirements? If not, can we decrease the project scope and total project cost?
Tacis expenditures To be eligible can be incurred/paid: either by the Financial Lead Partner or by other Tacis partners named in the application form to a third party
Two types of costs: Direct costs (can be easily invoiced, supporting documents will be checked by the CA) Indirect costs (calculated as agreed %, difficult to invoice, supporting documents will be checked by the auditor, if any) Categories of expenditures under Tacis budget
Human Resources: 1.1. Salaries: Actual salaries paid by the Beneficiary/Tacis partners to its staff members assigned for the project + social security contributions Remuneration paid by Beneficiary/Tacis partners to outsourced persons recruited for the project (labour contracts should be signed with them). NO consultants
Categories of expenditures under Tacis budget 1.1. Salaries: No overhead costs to be included in the salaries if staff not working full time for the action, % of involvement should be indicated and reflected in the number of units “Local staff” means staff placed in the project location. “Expatriate/International staff” – staff placed outside the country of the project location.
Categories of expenditures under Tacis budget 1.1. Salaries: Technical staff - project coordinators, managers, etc., Administrative staff - support staff (secretaries, accountants, drivers, etc) No names of staff members are required in the budget, just positions in the project
1.2 Per Diems For staff members assigned for the project during their missions related to the project (these staff members must be indicated in headings 1.1 and 1.2) For seminar/conference participants Paid for missions requiring an overnight stay away from the base of operation Categories of expenditures under Tacis budget
1.2 Per Diems Can be paid to the person going on mission or to a seminar participant If accommodation and meals for conference participants will be paid by the Beneficiary/partner directly to the hotel or restaurant, they should be shown under heading 5. Country of mission must be indicated Categories of expenditures under Tacis budget
2. Travel Travel costs of the project staff and seminar/conference participants required for missions the place of departure and destination should be indicated domestic transportation - travel within the country of location Categories of expenditures under Tacis budget
3. Equipment and supplies Specialised equipment necessary to carry out the project; Office equipment and furniture if a separate office is rented specifically for the Tacis project; No office car is allowed here, but vehicles rented/purchased for project events are allowed Categories of expenditures under Tacis budget
3. Equipment and supplies Purchase of equipment is subject to competitive tendering procedures At the end of the project equipment/vehicles purchased by the Beneficiary must be transferred to the Russian partners. Transfer of ownership - condition for a balance payment. Categories of expenditures under Tacis budget
4. Local office/action costs All costs under this heading (office supplies, tel/fax costs, office car) are allowed only if a special project office is rented for the project in the market. If no, all these costs (office supplies, tel/fax costs, office car) will be : either administrative costs (maximum 7% of the total direct costs of the project), if Beneficiary is renting his office; Or in-kind contribution (non-eligible cost), if Beneficiary owns the office. Categories of expenditures under Tacis budget
5. Other costs/services Cover all sub-contracting (consultants, experts, etc.) necessary for the project and some other costs (e.g dissemination of the information, conference costs, etc.) Selection of sub-contractors is subject to competitive tendering procedures, no names of sub-contractors can appear in the application Categories of expenditures under Tacis budget
5. Other costs/services per diems/travel costs of consultants, if any, should be included into their remuneration If no bank guarantees will be required for your contracts, please put what financial services will be charged (e.g. bank charges for the project account, transfers) and indicate the unit (month or year or transfer) Categories of expenditures under Tacis budget
8. Administrative costs Administrative overheads (indirect costs) incurred by the Beneficiary during the project, lump-sum amount of maximum 7% of the total direct project costs Categories of expenditures under Tacis budget
INTERREG/Tacis shared costs Are allowed, if justified by the project; Proportion related to Tacis should be calculated and indicated in the Tacis budget; Financial documents for the total amount of the expenditure incurred (Interreg and Tacis) should be presented in the financial report; Tacis share will be accepted and reimbursed from the Tacis budget
Can be provided, but are not included into the Tacis project cost Should be listed separately in the Tacis budget Examples: Voluntary (unpaid) work for the project Provision of the own conference room by the Beneficiary/partner Provision of the project office when Beneficiary/partner owns the building In-kind contributions