Overview of the PPLPI Policy Tool EXTRAPOLATE Uganda pro-poor livestock policy dairy policy workshop Ridar Hotel, Kampala November 9, 2004
ex-ante policy analysis Analyse the effects of existing policies on different groups of producers and consumers Predict the impact of changing institutional and market environments on existing policy outcomes Predict the impact of policy changes on different groups of livestock producers and consumers Identify opportunities for intervention through adjustment of livestock-related policies Help formulate policies consistent with equitable and sustainable livestock production
Define beneficiary groups Beneficiary groups are identified – these should include all stakeholders who are involved in the given opportunity (positive or negative) Different beneficiary groups are given livelihoods status from 0-10, where 0 = ‘poor’ and 10 = ‘wealthy’ Livelihood status assigned to groups using “pairwise comparison method” (PCM)
Constraints-beneficiary matrix Constraints are identified for each beneficiary group The impact of each constraint on each beneficiary group should be scored from 0-10, where 0 = ‘no effect’ and 10 = ‘very considerable constraint’
Constraints-beneficiary matrix
Constraints-outcomes matrix Outcomes (the measurable effects of relaxing constraints) should be listed The impact of each outcome on each outcome should be scored from 0-10, where 0 = ‘no effect’ and 10 = ‘very considerable constraint’
Outcomes-livelihood status matrix The impact of each outcome on the livelihood status of each beneficiary group should be scored from 0-10, where 0 = ‘no impact’ and 10 = ‘very considerable impact’
Policy-constraints matrix Policy or institutional changes that might have an effect on the opportunity should be listed The impact of the proposed changes should be estimated with respect to each constraint. These rank from -5 to +5, where -5 = ‘strong negative impact’ on a constraint (i.e. it becomes a bigger constraint); 0 = no impact; and +5 = ‘strong positive impact’ on a constraint (i.e. it is reduced/removed)
Policy-constraints matrix
Policy-constraints matrix
Policy-constraints matrix
Information and data requirements? Assign livelihood status to beneficiary groups assess the importance of particular constraints on different groups Determine the outcomes – the measurable effects of relaxing constraints Estimate the impact of the outcomes on the livelihood status of the beneficiary groups predict the impact of policy change on constraints
Breakout groups Group 1 Group 2 Chair: Jimmy Patrick Saamanya Raporteur: Valeria Mwesigwa Group 2 Chair: Florence Kasirye Raporteur: Thomas Emwanu
Breakout groups Define the different beneficiary groups in the diary sector in Uganda Define the major constraints faced by each beneficiary group
Characteristics of livestock sector policy Based on sparse and inaccurate information Developed on the basis of little or no analysis Drawn up with limited stakeholder consultation Rarely favours the poor Favours large-scale production for export at the expense of small-scale producers and consumers Encourages production that threatens long-term environmental sustainability
Field testing and development Uganda – small holder dairy Senegal – small ruminants (Tabaski feast) Peru – camelid fibre India (AP) – small ruminants Viet Nam – small holder pork