WELCOME to ROOM 106 Mini Mall
Shop and Have Some Fun! Games Gadgets Music Creative Crafts
Kason’s BASKETBALL Shots Store #1 $3
Origami Pets Store #2 and just $2
Colorful Crayons Store #3 6 for $ 2 or 3 for $ 1
Book Mark World Store #4 $1
Paper Airplanes Store #5 $1
Fabulous Pens By Steven Store #6 $2
Elele’s Book Marks Store #7 $1
Decorated Pencils by Angelique Store #8 $2
Ninjas by Connor Store #9 $2
Loom Charms By Isabella Store # 10 $2 - $3
Nee Nee’s Can Cups Store #11 $2
Star of airplanes Store #12 $2
Colorful Crayons Store #13 $3
Duck Tape Flowers Store #14 $2
Rusty’s Stick Planes Store #15 $3
Crashing Towers with Brandon Store #16 $2
Super-tastic Bookmarks! Store #17 $3
Feathers &Pencils By Raiana Store #18 $3
Basketball Practice with Kavon Store #19 $2
Zyhaire’s Basketball Hoop Practice Store # 20 $2
Angelina’s Jewelry Shop Store #21 $2
The Jewelry Shop Store # 22 Price ~ $2