Modeshift STARS Safe and Active Travel Awards for Schools Nick Butler National Modeshift Awards Manager
Modeshift Modeshift is a not for profit membership organisation funded by the public, private and community sectors in the United Kingdom Modeshift represents and supports sustainable travel practitioners from a range of areas who work to promote safe, active and sustainable travel for education establishments, businesses and communities
Modeshift membership
Modeshift STARS The National Awards Scheme that recognises schools that have shown excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable travel
The National STARS School Travel Awards On 6th November 2014, the Department for Transport announced a support grant of £184k over 2-years to expand Modeshift STARS to every school in England (outside of London) Schools of the Region - October National STARS School of the Year – March
STARS Engagement Completely free of charge to all 19,000 schools in England – including secondary schools 62 LAs are currently taking part 2,300 schools have registered to participate 677 schools are accredited (July 2016)
Taking School Travel Plans online At the end of the Travelling to School Initiative (TTSI) 94% of schools had developed a School Travel Plan …but there was no exit strategy STARS is designed to incentivise and reward the delivery of effective School Travel Plans Schools register to the system Input information and data about their school Survey pupils and staff on their travel mode Set targets, create actions and report on progress Results and action = accreditation – Bronze, Silver and Gold
Delivering a package of measures It’s not just about a document! In order to bring about behaviour change – you must deliver a range of initiatives and activities: Information Infrastructure Incentives Skills Over 140 separate initiatives that a school can complete in STARS
Focus on safety – STARS Routes to School Audit
Road Safety Actions Cycle Training Pedestrian Training Young Driver Training Road Safety Assemblies Be Bright Be Seen activities In Car Safety Road Safety Week
STARS for Road Safety 62 local authorities are participating in STARS Many dual benefits when sustainable travel and Road Safety work together LAs own the system – if there is anything missing – tell us! 33 London Boroughs participating in TfL STARS Monitoring the delivery of initiatives Data from STARS Routes to School Audits Monitoring the impact of schemes STARSfor is coming Travel Plans are compulsory A very effective way of effecting adult travel behaviour
Summary Over 90 local authorities are Modeshift members If your LA is signed up, you get free access to the website for knowledge share and sustainable travel news 62 local authorities are delivering Modeshift STARS and 33 London Boroughs are delivering TfL STARS Unlimited registrations within a local authority mean you have free access to the data 2,300 schools are registered for Modeshift STARS Road Safety activities are key to achieving national accreditation