EQ: What are the different types of regions?
Bell Ringer Name different regions that you know of. What is the purpose of having regions?
Region Area with a unique combination of features
Functional Region Organized around a node or focal point (central point) Region is tied to the central point by transportation or communication systems or economic assoc. EX: television stations, circulation of newspaper, trading area of dept. store
Formal Region Everyone (majority) shares one or more distinct characteristics EX: language, religion, economic activity such as prod of a specific crop, climate, government units/boundaries, voting preferences
Vernacular Region A place that people believe exists as part of their identity Informal sense of place rather than scientific models EX: south
Region Game! Rotate to each table group With your group discuss which type of region the map is showing In your notes-write the title of the map and which type of region and why (write answers under the correct number) Winners get 2 high fives!
Map 1: Phone companies
Map 2: Aldermanic wards
Map 3: Southwest destinations
Map 4: US accents
Map 5: Base ball Fans
Map 6: African languages
Map 7: Words for “soda”
Reflection: Write down regions that could be shown on this map and label what type of region it is. Try to think of at least one example for each type of region
Possible answers Slave states-Formal Confederate states-Formal Plantations-cotton-Formal Climate-hot-formal Religion-formal Coca cola headquarters-functional Delta Hub-functional Accent of people-Vernacular BBQ-Vernacular