Hardened Concrete Properties Strength compressive strength 2000-8000 psi tensile strength 200-800 psi flexural strength compression >> tension since concrete is notch sensitivite
Factors Affecting Strength Curing conditions, humidity temperature w/c , (inversely related) Abram’s law air content, (inversely related), short and long term aggregate characteristics, roughness,grading, minerological. cement type, composition, fineness, type I vs. type III cement content (directly related) Strength porosity relationship mixing water
moist cured entire time Strength and Curing moist cured entire time Strength in air after 7 days 100% in air after 3 days in air entire time 28 time
Factors Affecting Concrete Strength
Durability Resistance to freezing and thawing Cracking Internal Problems Rebar Corrosion
Resistance to freezing and thawing-Major factors Air Entrainment w/c, low water -cement ratio/ water content volume stability, stiff aggregates with low coefficient of thermal expansion
Air Entrainment Water gains 9% in volume upon freezing nighttime freezing followed by daytime thawing, approximately 40 cycles per year, average. max of 200 cycles per year. fatigue loading of ice formation within pores Air Entraining Admixture (AEA) Must provide: Pore size Pore spacing Pore specific surface area
Internal voids
Durability-Cracking path for harmful material to get into concrete sulfates- soils cause severe expansion, and deterioration chlorides -deicing salts initiate corrosion Excessive shrinkage
Durability-internal problems Alkali-silica reaction excessive sulfates
Rebar corrosion NaCl + -
Mechanism of corrosion
Corrosion Protection Proper cover of at least 2” lower w/c denser concrete avoid using chlorides
Review Strength Durability Water Tightness Volume Stability water cement ratio Permeability Volume Stability shrinkage deformation with no load applied creep deformation under sustained loading
Load Induced Volume Changes Tangent modulus Instantaneous, 1D Secant modulus
Load Induced Volume Changes Time dependant Deformation Creep deformation Time
Creep in Concrete
Creep in Concrete water Creep
Consequences of creep Loss in pre-stress possibility of excessive deflection stressing of non load bearing members
Economy Cement Content Aggregates 50-60$/ton Aggregates 5-6 $/ton minimum cement required at the minimum water cement ratio, with the maximum strength and durability