REDD+ FOR THE GUIANA SHIELD Technical Cooperation Project


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Presentation transcript:

REDD+ FOR THE GUIANA SHIELD Technical Cooperation Project Presentation of the « REDD+ for the Guiana Shield » project Nicolas KARR, ONF Guyane 6th August 2013 1st Steering Committee, Paramaribo

Outline Context Objectives Activities Budget and actors

Project origin Poznán, December 2008 Objective fixed by Guyana's President and Ministers of Environment of France and Suriname.

Biogeographical context Guyana plateau 100 million ha of forest 50 million ha within the project Humid tropical forest ecosystem Low deforestation rate(<0,3% / year) Biodiversity Socioeconomic development issues 4

Outline Context Objectives Activities Budget and actors 5

Specific objectives of this REDD+ project Create a technical and dialogue platform at regional level to share experiences and good practices Support countries in their readiness process for REDD+ mechanism by compiling and analyzing existing data and methodologies Build capacities while improving methodologies and techniques to assess reduction of emissions due to deforestation and degradation Develop a decision making tool to help assessing the impact of policies and measures on climate change and on socio-economical development Guiding principles: Transparency Regional cooperation Respect of National Policies and Sovereignty Synergies with other REDD+ regional initiatives 6

Outline Context Objectives Activities Budget and actors 7

Activity 1: Assessment of forest cover and stocks Identifying and compiling existing data and methodologies on forest cover evolution and forest carbon stocks Evaluation of available methodologies (cost-benefit, conformity with IPCC good practices guidance) Create a cooperative framework for knowledge sharing Build countries capacities in terms of forest cover and stocks monitoring through the creation of working groups. Outcomes Improved methodologies and capacities in terms of forest cover and stocks monitoring Support to countries forest emissions inventory (UNFCCC type) Reinforcement of technical cooperation among countries on those subjects 8

Activity 2: Improve the deforestation/degradation dynamic understanding Identify main deforestation/degradation drivers and underlying causes. Compile existing quantitative and spatial data within a regional database Identify needs in terms of data collection and capacity building to complement and update the database Reinforce regional dialogue on transnational dynamics of deforestation/degradation Outcomes: Improve the understanding, monitoring and management of transnational deforestation and forest degradation dynamics. A regional database on main drivers of deforestation/degradation. Reinforced capacities and information in order to feed national reference emission levels and support the assessment of socio-economical impact of policies and measures 9

Activity 3: Improve modeling capacities to help decision-making process Initiate a scientific cooperation platform on modelling Reinforce regional modelling capacities Develop tools to help policy decision-makers estimate the impact of development policies, measure forest carbon emissions and socio-economical development. Outcomes: Strenghtened cooperation between universities and research centers on land use change and socio-economical development modeling A decision making tool to help monitoring and managing REDD+ mechanism implementation in countries Reinforced capacities on modeling 10

Financial Plan Institution Amount (k€) FFEM 1 000 FEDER Interreg 1 265 Région Guyane 90 CIFRE 70 FEDD (ONF own financing) 200 IEF 38 SBB GFC Total 2 739 11

Institutional arrangements STEERING COMMITTEE Supervise the platform and approve annual work program Support and inform the steering committee Advise and inform pilot committee on project activities Technical platform on REDD+ development IMPLEMENTING ENTITIES Coordinate participation SECRETARIAT Inform the platform Working groups of components 1, 2 & 3 ONF Guyane and ONFI Project partners ONF - G and ONFI in collaboration with IEF, GFC, SBB Coordinate technical capacity development Beneficiaries National/state forest services Civil society 12

ONFI - Implementing Partner Staff for the project Project Coordinator: Nicolas Karr ONF - Project Leader Funds reporting and monitoring : Fanny MISS et Jean-Luc Sibille Project Manager in Cayenne : Marie Calmel ONFI - Implementing Partner Experts from ONFI Headquarters (coordination : Anne Martinet) IEF Partner SBB Partner GFC Partner Focal Point Amapa: Sergio Milheiras Focal Point Surinam: Sara Svensson Focal Point Guyana: Saba Loftus 13

MERCI / THANK YOU / DANK U / OBRIGADO Photo credit: ONF Guyane