TTIP What’s in it for the Social Partners? Panel 1- Economic Benefits for SMEs 17th November 2015
An SME Friendly Agreement First trade deal that promises to include an “SME Chapter”. access to information about transatlantic trade issues a resource commitment for both sides, to develop and maintain such a source of information consolidate existing EU-US cooperation on SME issues
Trade and Ireland Ireland is a small open economy Export driven recovery European Movement Ireland Poll May 2015 Strong Support for TTIP
SMEs and Trade 49% of Irish exports outside of EU go to the US After the UK, US top export destination for SME Exporters** Ireland could benefit from TTIP more than double the European average- Copenhagen Economics Report 2015 Local stories- TTIP will help the small business owner **
What SMEs need from TTIP SME Chapter- Proposed SME Committee should deliver information on all aspects of TTIP Regulatory Co-operation- SME Test must be applied on both sides of Atlantic User Friendly Rules of Origin Access to US Public Procurement Market Increased mobility for workers